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There are several new subjects for 2018 so check out our website!

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Presentation on theme: "There are several new subjects for 2018 so check out our website!"— Presentation transcript:

1 There are several new subjects for 2018 so check out our website!

2 What’s New? Stage 2: Stage 1: Ancient Studies Digital Art Drama
Ess English Journalism Health Level Up AGFA PLP North of Silk Rd Product Design & Creation The Artists Mind What’s New? Stage 2: Ancient Studies Drama Music Technology Projection Mapping Sports Studies

3 All students will be emailed a direct link
Open Outlook in class and follow the instructions to Web Preferences This a ‘student survey’ to find out Which? subjects & When?

4 Students who are returning to NASC in 2018
Identify the subjects they would like to do. We will use this information to construct our 2018 timetable.

5 TIPS Students are only selecting subjects for one semester
They can select up to 5 units which would be a full time load Some courses such as VET and Academies count as several units.

6 Some sections MUST be answered
Students will not be able to save if they do not complete these

7 This will NOT replace the actual subject selection process.
Later this term Coaches will work with all continuing students to select appropriate courses.

8 Selection Instructions
Please select your subjects in order of YOUR PREFERENCE i.e. Number 1 is your most preferred subject etc. If you make a mistake you can enter your choices a second time.

9 There will be links to Websites
Please check the Curriculum information on the NASC site for subject details. Students aged under 21 will also have a link to the CLC Course site

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