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The Ultimate _____ ___ have sinned. All Crisis

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2 The Ultimate _____ ___ have sinned. All Crisis
Whether you consider yourself a good person or not, one thing is clear about all of us; we are wired to sin, making us sinners. Crisis All Video 1 Video 2 Video 3

3 I. The Ultimate Crisis missing B. Sin is _______ the mark.
God is perfect and without sin, so for us to have a relationship with Him we must be perfect. Whether you are the most moral person in our city, the bottom line is we all fall way short of God and His sinless perfection

4 I. The Ultimate Crisis payment C. The _________ for sin is death.
Because of our sin we have earned physical death and spiritual death, which means separation from God forever. It is in the midst of this crisis that we see Jesus step in and make the greatest sacrifice because Jesus is the ultimate superhero.

5 II. The Ultimate ________ (Romans 5:8) Sacrifice
A. Jesus the ________ Sacrifice Jesus came to put Himself in our place to take the punishment for all the sins we commit.

6 Savior The Ultimate Sacrifice (Romans 5:8) B. Jesus the ______
Jesus came to our rescue, and put Himself in our place, He took the full force of God’s wrath, and He pays the full penalty for our sin.

7 III. An Eternal ______ (John 3:36) Choice
Option One: ______ Jesus Reject Understanding you have sinned and that Christ died for your sins, you can choose to reject Jesus, go your own way, and live your own life.

8 III. An Eternal Choice (John 3:36)
B. Option Two: _______ Jesus Receive Understanding you have sinned and deserve to pay for your sins, you can choose to come to Jesus and receive the free gift of salvation that He offers you.

9 STICKY STATEMENT Jesus is the ultimate superhero!





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