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Designing Diversity sensitive teaching and learning

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Presentation on theme: "Designing Diversity sensitive teaching and learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing Diversity sensitive teaching and learning
I introduce myself briefly. dr. Hester Radstake

2 Diversity sensitive teaching & learning
Three dimensions: Teaching for diversity Teaching in diversity Inclusive learning environment Aangeven dat deze omschrijvingen bedoeld zijn als aanzet om een indruk te geven van waar we het over hebben. Ze zijn conform met wat in veld van onderwijs&diversiteit (multicultural education, international education) veel gebruik wordt. De beschrijvingen zijn niet bedoeld om discussie te stoppen, maar om een aanzet te geven. Learning goals: : to engage students with international and intercultural perspectives on the (research within) the discipline and to purposefully develop their intercultural competences. Learning environment: provision of optimal support to the full potential of all students, regardless their nationality, cultural background, gender, age, religion, etc. F.e. by offering opportunities and reasons for meaningful dialogue between different cultural perspectives and experiences in relation to the discipline; be able to accommodate students’ diverse needs. students feel confident and unthreatened to learn and develop their potential. From teachers and program leaders this requires sensitivity for the use of teaching materials, for intercultural communication, for interpersonal relations, etc. Based on Clark (2002), Leask (2015), Leask & Carroll (2013), Morey (2000), Pels et al. (2012), Severiens & Wolff (2006)

3 Current and desirable situation
DIVERSITY SENSITIVE INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN Scan (Why) Current and desirable situation Drafting a plan Implementing a plan Evaluation

4 Tool: Diversity scan of a course
Category Example Learning aims Are diversity related aims (knowledge, skills, attitude) addressed in the course? Assessment tasks Are difficulties of particular groups of students with assessment tasks taken into account? Content Are students exposed to multiple perspectives and alternative views on the course topics? Teaching and learning arrangements Are students’ diverse knowledge, perspectives and expericences overtly used and valued (in activities and tasks)? Inclusive pedagogy Do all students feel confident and unthreatened to learn and develop their potential? I give a short instruction for using the tool ‘designing a diversity sensitive course’. Not only a tool for scanning, also to get ideas for improvements. I brought some material with extra information, regarding Assessment Tasks, and Managing Group work (relevant for teaching and learning arrangements and inclusive pedagogy). Aangeven dat deze omschrijvingen bedoeld zijn als aanzet om een indruk te geven van waar we het over hebben. Ze zijn conform met wat in veld van onderwijs&diversiteit (multicultural education, international education) veel gebruik wordt. De beschrijvingen zijn niet bedoeld om discussie te stoppen, maar om een aanzet te geven. Learning goals: : to engage students with international and intercultural perspectives on the (research within) the discipline and to purposefully develop their intercultural competences. Learning environment: provision of optimal support to the full potential of all students, regardless their nationality, cultural background, gender, age, religion, etc. F.e. by offering opportunities and reasons for meaningful dialogue between different cultural perspectives and experiences in relation to the discipline; be able to accommodate students’ diverse needs. students feel confident and unthreatened to learn and develop their potential. From teachers and program leaders this requires sensitivity for the use of teaching materials, for intercultural communication, for interpersonal relations, etc.

5 Assignment Reflect (individually, 5 minutes) on the following questions of the tool ‘designing a diverse sensitive course’: Learning aims: q 2 & 3 (also see: taxonomy) Teaching and learning arrangements: q 9 & 10 Inclusive pedagogy: q 11 & 12

6 Assignment (in couples)
Discuss your thoughts with your colleague (10 min per person): - Which insights did the questions give you? - Do these insights have implications for your course (f.e. adaptations you will make)? - What questions do they raise to you?

7 From design to teaching practice Some indications of diversity sensitive teachers
Teachers are aware that material or activities may lead to experiences of stereotyping, stigmatization, polarisation and micro-agressions and prevent these to occur Teachers model appropriate behaviour and display diversity awareness, sensitivity and responsiveness. The program team models and exemplifies productive interaction across diversity. Team members refer to and draw upon their own and their peers’ cultural and linguistic diversity. From: A QUICK GUIDE FOR TEACHERS

8 Diversity sensitive teaching and you...
Overlooking this workshop: How do you evaluate your diversity sensitive teaching? What are strong aspects? What aspects need to develop further? -> cultures

9 Thank you for your participation
Looking for more information or tools to design and teach diverse sensitive courses? You are welcome to contact me:

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