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Evidence for Evolution

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1 Evidence for Evolution
Biology 9

What is the evidence that all species on earth are related to each other and share common ancestors? Overview: 4 Major Types of Evidence: Homologous Structures Embryos Gene Sequences Fossils

Similar body parts or bone structures due to sharing a common ancestor that had those structures Don’t necessarily have the same function now, but did in the common ancestor Ex: human arm, cat leg, whale flipper, bat wing all have same bones

4 Homologous Structures, continued:
Vestigial Traits - Don’t have a function now, but suggest that they descended from an ancestor that did use them. Examples: human tailbone, human goose bumps, ostrich wings Ex: human tail bone, human goose

5 Don’t confuse Homologous Structures with Analogous Structures
structures that have the same function but NOT the same skeletal structure This suggests these organisms did NOT descend from a common ancestor with that trait Ex: insect wing and bird wing Bird wing Insect wing

6 2. Embryos Similar characteristics appearing during specific embryonic/ developmental stages of development Example: Fish, reptile, bird, and human embryos all have gill slits and a tail (but some lose these features before birth)

7 3. Gene Sequences Similarities between DNA or amino acid sequences for different organisms Closer the similarities = Closer relationships

8 4. FOSSILS Fossils show… show species that are now extinct
show transitions to new body forms Example: Tiktaalik (lived 375 million years ago) fish with legs and (maybe) primitive lungs… earliest amphibian? Artist Rendering Fossil Objectives for Class: Describe how fossils are used as evidence for evolution and give one example that illustrates this.

9 FOSSILS, cont. Example: Archaeopteryx (lived 150 million years ago)
earliest bird… but has many dinosaur features Objectives for Class: Describe how fossils are used as evidence for evolution and give one example that illustrates this.

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