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Presentation on theme: "Monday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday

2 What do you think it would it be like to be a part of Walt Disney’s or Elvis Presley’s family?
5 sentences Journal

3 Active vs. Passive voice
1. Copy the pairs of sentences. 2. Circle/underline what is different between the two sentences.

4 Active Voice Passive Voice Thirteen students failed the exam. I will throw out the broken pencil. Mary can run the mile in six minutes. You bought the blue bicycle. The exam was failed by thirteen students. The broken pencil will be thrown out. The mile can be run by Mary in six minutes. The blue bicycle was bought by you.

5 Active vs. Passive voice
Active Voice: The subject actively does the action to the object. Passive Voice: The object has the action done to it.


7 7.R.RL.06 Reading Objective:
The Highly Proficient student can analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of how an author develops the points of view of different complex characters in a text. Essential Questions: What is point of view? How does the author develop point of view? What point of view does the author use in the story? How does the point of view change with different characters or narrators?

8 Tuesday

9 Talk about fears. 5 sentences Journal

10 Active vs. Passive voice
Who/What is doing the main action in the sentence? (that’s the subject!) 2. Is the subject actively acting?

11 Active Voice Passive Voice
The baker tested every kind of chocolate. Matilda’s mom yells at her all the time. You made the last shot. Every kind of chocolate was tested by the baker. Your kitchen will be destroyed by velociraptors. The band was called to attention by Mr. Purdy.

12 Re-write this paragraph INTO active voice.
Yesterday, the class was invited to an assembly by the town mayor. At the assembly, the mayor was introduced by a student named Hannah. Hannah had been chosen by her English teacher for being well-spoken and kind.


14 7.R.RI.01 Reading Objective:
The Highly Proficient student applies numerous, strong pieces of textual evidence in supporting a complex inference or analysis of the text. Essential Questions: What is strong textual evidence? How can I identify the appropriate support? What is a complex inference? How can I analyze a text to find the meaning?

15 Wednesday

16 Describe a prank you could play against a professional athlete.
4 sentences Journal

17 Re-write this paragraph INTO active voice.
Tomorrow, Gary will be taken to the vet by Spongebob. The vet will be shocked by Gary’s new shell. Last night, his shell was painted red and gold by Patrick.

18 Re-write this paragraph INTO passive voice.
The seventh grade beat the sixth grade in last week’s battle. The seventh graders did very well on AR Quizzes. Students followed all of the technology rules. The seventh grade will win the championship!


20 7.R.RI.05 Reading Objective:
The Highly Proficient student can evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses while articulating how a different text structure might impact the meaning of the text. Essential Questions: What are the organizational structures authors use in informational text? How are the organizational structures broken up into major parts? How do these parts contribute to the overall meaning of the text? How do these parts of the structure relate to understanding of how ideas relate to each other?

21 Thursday

22 If you were given $1 million dollars to change this school, what would you spend it on?
4 sentences Journal

23 Write a paragraph in ACTIVE voice.
(3-5 sentences) the SUBJECT must actively DO the action

24 Write a paragraph in PASSIVE voice.
(3-5 sentences) the action must HAPPEN TO the subject


26 7.W.07 Writing Objective: The Highly Proficient student can write a short research project that answers questions utilizing several sources. Essential Questions: What is the purpose of an informational report? How can a writer collect information that is relate to, focused on, and evaluative of the topic? What is the purpose of citing sources? How does a writer cite sources? Where does a writer find the correct format for citing sources?

27 Friday

28 Pick an object (desk, writing utensil, poster, window, piece of technology) in the classroom and explain it without using its name. 4 sentences Journal

29 Spongebob Patrick is best friends with Bridge Maps

30 Bridge Maps The chef made pancakes every morning.
The restaurant never sold waffles again. Pancakes were made by the chef every morning. The waffle iron was broken by an angry customer. is the ACTIVE version of Bridge Maps


32 7.R.RL.01 Reading Objective:
The Highly Proficient student can cite multiple examples of textual evidence to support my complex analysis and inference. Essential Questions: 1. What is textual evidence? How can I identify the appropriate support? 2. What is a direct and indirect reference? How can I analyze a text to find the direct and indirect meaning? 3. What is a complex inference?

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