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Tunica- similar to a short-sleeved shirt

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Presentation on theme: "Tunica- similar to a short-sleeved shirt"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tunica- similar to a short-sleeved shirt

2 Tunica Everybody wears a tunic! Considered casual
Roman citizens- white tunics Foreigners, slaves and lower class Romans wore different colors No stripes- “cives”-citizen Narrow stripes- “equites”- equestrian class Broad stripes- “senatores”- senators, royalty, upper class Romans

3 The Toga- worn over the tunica

4 Toga Adult men wore a plain white toga called the “toga pura” and the “toga virilis” High government officials wore the “toga praetexta”- a toga with a purple border- also worn by upper class boys and girls

5 Soleae- sandals

6 Stola- full-length dress/Palla-shawl, draped over shoulders, around the body

7 Salutatio- reception of visitors
Clientes- clients Patronus- patron Forum- market-place

8 Expecto patronum!

9 Ientaculum- Breakfast- ate bread, wine/water

10 Prandium- lunch Meat Fish Fruit

11 Cena- dinner Eaten in the triclinium Mensa- table

12 Slaves cut up the food before serving…
But diners generally ate with their hands instead of silverware

13 Cena First course- eggs, fish, vegetables
Main course- beef, pork, mutton, poultry Secunda mensa- dessert- fruit, nuts cheese, sweet dishes

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