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Or How To Really Impress People With Your Sentence Variety

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Presentation on theme: "Or How To Really Impress People With Your Sentence Variety"— Presentation transcript:

1 Or How To Really Impress People With Your Sentence Variety
Types of Sentences Or How To Really Impress People With Your Sentence Variety

2 Types of Sentences Sentences are classified according to the number and kinds of clauses they contain. There are four types: Simple Complex Compound Compound-Complex Let’s look at each one of these more closely.

3 Types of Sentences The Simple Sentence
A simple sentence has only one independent clause and no subordinate clauses. S V DO ADV The runner won the race easily.

4 Types of Sentences The Compound Sentence
A compound sentence has two or more independent clauses and no subordinate clauses. S V ADV S V DO ADV The runner trained for many months, so he won the race easily.

5 Types of Sentences The Complex Sentence
A complex sentence has one independent clause and one or more subordinate clauses. S S V ADV V DO ADV The runner, who had trained for many months, won the race easily.

6 Types of Sentences The Compound-Complex Sentence
A compound-complex sentence has two independent clauses and one or more subordinate clauses. S S V ADV V DO ADV The runner, who had trained for many months, won the race easily, but she did not attain a personal best. S V DO

7 Types of Sentences It may be helpful to remember them in this way:
Type of sentence Independent Clauses Subordinate Clauses Simple One None Compound Two or more Complex One or more Compound-Complex

8 Types of Sentences Identify the sentence type in the following:
She smiled sweetly, and he grinned shyly. Compound Mary and Tom agreed to meet after school. Simple I had a poor background, and the subject was quite difficult; however, the teacher explained the concepts very clearly. Compound

9 Types of Sentences Identify the sentence type in the following:
Because the store was closed, we returned home. Complex The old prospector was discouraged; however, when I suggested giving up, he was indignant. Compound-complex Although my friends were lost for a while, they eventually found the restaurant that you recommended. Complex

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