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Presentation on theme: "Personality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personality

2 Prompt #2 In a few words, describe how they act and think.
Your Boss Your Best Friend Why would someone want to study things like this? Spongebob

3 Personality The consistent, enduring, and unique characteristics of a person What are examples of these characteristics?

4 Personality Theories Psychoanalytic Behaviorism Social Learning
Cognitive Humanistic Trait

5 Purposes of Personality Theories
Organize the many characteristics Explain differences among individuals Explore how people conduct their lives Determine how life can be improved

6 Psychoanalytic Theories
Freud & the Unconscious Id, Ego, Superego Theory – division of psyche Id=pleasure principle; needs, drives, instincts, and repressed material Ego=reality principle; rational, reasoning Superego=moral principle; source of conscience and high ideals



9 Defense Mechanisms Pg. 380-383
Read, understand, come up with example scenarios for each Draw ONE image for each of your examples (half page with caption); put name of DM ON THE BACK Check in, then grab Defense Mechanism sheet (will be HW if not finished)

10 Defense Mechanisms Identifying Scenarios

11 Personality Tests Rorschach Inkblots TAT Both projective tests
Meant to analyze unconscious feelings

12 Rorschach Inkblots Write what you see in the inkblots





17 Carl Jung Personal vs. collective unconscious (inherited instincts, urges, and memories of all humans) Archetypes—inherited idea, based on ancestors’ experiences, that shape one’s perception

18 Alfred Adler How parents treat their kids determines personality or “lifestyle” Birth Order

19 Prompt #2 Have you noticed the ideas of birth order in your own family? Explain. Do you agree with Adler’s ideas of birth order in general and the information in this article? Explain.

20 Behaviorism & the Social Learning Theory

21 As you read… Highlight/underline key concepts or terms; summarize in a few words every paragraph or two Stop after “Behaviorism” section Summarize how this theory says personality develops Finish reading

22 Social Learning Theory
Behaviorism Social Learning Theory Actions of others/environment directly affect you Measurable Role models Imitation Self-assess (outcome, success, etc.) Environment factors affecting behavior Leave out (unconscious, childhood, genetics, etc.)

23 Bobo Doll Experiment

24 Media Violence & Aggression
Read the article & answer the corresponding questions

25 Social Learning Theory
Behaviorism Social Learning Theory Reinforcements (rewards & punishments) Present environment Measurable (external factors) Modeling Self-assessment of past experiences Environment affects traits (people) Reinforcement Similar flaws (genetics, unconscious)

26 Behaviorism Social Learning Theory
-Reinforcers -Pragmatic (logical, straight-forward) -Can be tested and proven (measurable) -Modeling -Self-analysis (success, outcome, etc.) -More variables to assess -similar flaws (unobservable factors left out) -actions/ behaviors -similar goals -learning (idea of reinforcement)

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