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Words Relating to Enthusiasm and Passion

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1 Words Relating to Enthusiasm and Passion
LESSON 16: How Wonderful! How Exciting! Words Relating to Enthusiasm and Passion

2 Ardent Full of passion and emotion
Ardent soccer fans never miss a game. John and Sherrie’s embrace was more than a casual hug; it was an ardent show of affection. For their extraordinary service, the volunteers deserve ardent thanks. Adjective Full of passion and emotion

3 Avid Showing enthusiasm; ardent
Walt is an avid hiker; he never misses a chance to hit the trail. An avid skier, Sue will drive for hours to be where the snow is. For years my dad has been an avid golfer, out on the links every weekend. Adjective Showing enthusiasm; ardent

4 Ebullient The audience became just as enthusiastic about following the diet as the ebullient speaker was in describing it. His ebullience was infectious. Everyone left the room filled with excitement about the rafting trip. Having made a hole in one, Tiger could hardly contain his ebullience. Adjective Filled with a bubbly excitement, as if boiling over with excitement

5 Effervescent Lively; full of uplifted spirit; vivacious
Distressed over losing the car keys, Beth was less effervescent than usual. The root beer had lost its effervescence and tasted like bad cough syrup. Laura is quiet and subdued, but her twin Lara epitomizes effervescence. Adjective Lively; full of uplifted spirit; vivacious

6 Exuberant Overflowing with vitality and good spirits
As a night owl, Amelia feels most exuberant between ten o’clock and midnight. Worry and anxiety can put a damper on even the most exuberant personality. The next morning he leaped from bed exuberantly, anticipating the adventures of the day. Adjective Overflowing with vitality and good spirits

7 Fanatical Full of great enthusiasm or devotion
Richard Nixon was a fanatical bowler. His head was filled with thoughts of strikes and spares, balls and alleys. Louise’s mom is fanatical about cleaning the house. She won’t let you in unless you take your shoes off. I don’t eat red meat, but I’m not fanatical about it. Adjective Full of great enthusiasm or devotion

8 Fervent Filled with passion or intensity
The minister asked her congregation to pay fervently for the safe return of the lost child. He’s a fervent cat breeder. Nothing is as important to him as raising cats. She’s a nut for crossword puzzles, but she hasn’t always been so fervent about doing them. Adjective Filled with passion or intensity

9 Impassioned Filled with passionate emotion
The defense attorney made an impassioned speech to the jury, but the jury remained unmoved by his emotional words. Because Tino’s impassioned words struck Maria’s heart, she agreed to marry him. King Henry’s impassioned speech to his troops raised their morale and contributed to their victory in battle. Adjective Filled with passionate emotion

10 Vibrant Lively; full of vitality
Marilyn and Curt are an unlikely couple. She’s so vibrant and he’s as quiet as a corpse. Although the bright hues clash sometimes, all of Diana’s clothes have vibrant colors. His vibrant teaching keeps the class lively. Adjective Lively; full of vitality

11 Zealous Filled with enthusiasm; fervent
A zealous bodybuilder, Derek works out in the weight room during every spare moment. If everyone were as zealous a worker as Scott, there would be no need for a supervisor. Jorge is a zealous reader of mysteries. As soon as he finishes one book, he starts reading the next. Adjective Filled with enthusiasm; fervent

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