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T&T Boys 3rd-6th Grade Team Colors Night
Large Group Message Time
Bible Message Week 6 Large Group Message Time Please be Quiet – inside voices. Raise your hand to ask, answer question.
Bible Message Week 6 What are colors?
Bible Message Week 6 There are 3 basic PRIMARY colors RED,, GREEN, and BLUE. that can be combined together to create all other colors. This COLOR WHEEL shows the 12 colors that can be easily seen by the average person. The human eye can see 7,500 different Hues. By mixing two primary colors we get a SECONDARY color. 3 secondary colors: CYAN (blue-green), MAGENTA (Red-blue), and YELLOW (red-green).
Bible Message Week 6 The Additive system
When Primary colors (RED,, GREEN,, BLUE) or the three secondary colors are mixed together in a balanced proportion the human eye will perceive this as WHITE light. The Subtractive system works in reverse. If you start out with a white light and start "subtracting" color wavelengths you will eventually end up with no light at all (complete darkness or BLACK).
Bible Message Week 6 Who Created Light? God - Genesis
What did Jesus mean when he said that “we are the Light of the world”? If BLACK (darkness or sin) is where there is No light- and WHITE is all light (pure or clean)- then we should show Jesus (WHITE light - clean actions) to sinners (in BLACK).
Bible Message Week 6 Colors of the Gospel
Bible Message Week 6 John 3:16 Colors of the Gospel
Gold color says God loves you, and wants to give you forever life in Heaven John 3:16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. Heaven is God’s house with streets of gold, where there is no sin, or death, where believers live forever.
Bible Message Week 6 Colors of the Gospel Romans 3:23
Black is the color for your sin that separates you from God Romans 3:23 For everyone sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. God is Holy so he can’t look at sin. But, everyone has sinned by breaking God’s rules, so God has to punish us. The consequence for sin is separation from God. You can not get across the Gap of sin to God by doing good things. Ephesians 2:9 Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.
Bible Message Week 6 Colors of the Gospel
Red is the color of Blood sacrificed for sin. God’s Old Plan Back in the Old Testament Bible times before Jesus lived, a blood sacrifice was required by God, they had to kill a spotless lamb to pay for sin. But, sacrifices did not take away sin forever.
Bible Message Week 6 Colors of the Gospel
God’s New Plan In the New Testament, God showed us grace to save us from the penalty of sin. Jesus never sinned, so He was called the “lamb of God” because He was the blood sacrifice in the place of the lamb. When Jesus died on the cross, the sky turned black when God turned away from His only Son. Jesus took that punishment for sins that man did. We call this good news as we have a way out of our death penalty.
Bible Message Week 6 Colors of the Gospel
Red is the color of Blood sacrificed for sin. Romans 3:24 – Grace For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past.
Bible Message Week 6 Colors of the Gospel 1 Corinthians 15:3-6
For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. The story of Jesus does not end in death! because days after Jesus died he rose up to live forever This miracle of God is what we celebrate at Easter. This good news is that Jesus lives forever, and you can live with Him forever too.
Bible Message Week 6 Colors of the Gospel
White color shows you need to cleaned up from sin by receiving Jesus’ gift . After you admit you are separated from God by sin, and that Jesus died in your place, you need to trust in Jesus to be clean. Then your relationship as God’s child can be restored. To receive Jesus’ gift, follow the ABC’s of forgiveness in prayer. Admit exactly what you did that was wrong, Believe Jesus died for your sin, Confess your sin to God in prayer.
Bible Message Week 6 Colors of the Gospel Sinner’s prayer
I confess that I have sinned against You, God, and I ask You to forgive me. Thank You for Jesus who died on the cross in my place for the blood sacrifice for my sin. I receive You into my life by trusting that Jesus will give me forever life to go to Heaven when I die. Thank you for filling me up with your Holy Spirit right now, to help me make good choices. Thank You, for hearing my prayer, and making me a child of God. In Jesus’ name. Amen”
Bible Message Week 6 Colors of the Gospel
Green color reminds us to grow as God’s Disciple Pray, read, learn from the Bible in your quiet time, Do what the Bible says to do in your life. Share with other people about Jesus’s love for them, Attend church to learn from the Bible, and so you can be friends with other believers.
G R O W Bible Message Week 6 Ways we can GROW Spiritually
o to Church…. R ead the Bible O bey God’s commands W itness (tell others about Jesus)
Bible Message Week 6 Colors of the Gospel Heaven Sin Blood Clean Grow
Prayer Ending Prayer
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