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Photography for DUS test

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1 Photography for DUS test

2 DUS test report Report on “Technical Examination” and
“Variety Description → “Additonal Information” Photo report Table of characteristics common document

3 Why do you take photos? ”easy-to-compare” ”clear” Photos should be…
To make someone understand       the result of DUS growing test Photos should be… “easy-to-understand” ”easy-to-compare” ”clear”

4 Content of photos 1. The state of characteristics of candidate variety and similar variety 2. Distinctness between candidate variety and similar variety 3. Uniformity of candidate variety 4. Plant growth is enough to assess DUS

5 Content of photos 1. The state of characteristics of candidate variety and similar variety 2. Distinctness between candidate variety and similar variety 3. Uniformity of candidate variety 4. Plant growth is enough to assess DUS

6 Composition

7 each variety photo in same composition
candidate similar ”easy-to-compare” similar

8 Content of photos 1. The state of characteristics of candidate variety and similar variety ・take photo which cover as many characteristic as possible (in many composition )

9 Content of photos 1. The state of characteristics of candidate variety and similar variety 2. Distinctness between candidate variety and similar variety 3. Uniformity of candidate variety 4. Plant growth is enough to assess DUS

10 Comparative Photo similar candidate similar similar candidate similar

11 Comparative Photo (there is distinctness)
similar candidate candidate similar

12 Comparative Photo ( there is no distinctness)
candidate similar candidate similar candidate similar candidate similar

13 Comparative Photo ( there is no distinctness)
candidate similar candidate similar

14 Content of photos 2. Distinctness between candidate variety and similar variety ・take comparative photos show clear distinctness ・in no distinctness case, take comparative photo show no distinctness (cover as many characteristics as possible )

15 Content of photos 1. The state of characteristics of candidate variety and similar variety 2. Distinctness between candidate variety and similar variety 3. Uniformity of candidate variety 4. Plant growth is enough to assess DUS

16 Uniformity off-type candidate

17 Content of photos 3. Uniformity of candidate variety
・ take comparative photos that show clear distinctness between candidate type and off-type ・ take photo of plot (Where are off-type plants? How many off-type plants are there?)

18 Content of photos 1. The state of characteristics of candidate variety and similar variety 2. Distinctness between candidate variety and similar variety 3. Uniformity of candidate variety 4. Plant growth is enough to assess DUS

19 Field photo and Growth condition

20 Photo of Example variety

21 Some techniques for clear photo
Sampling Label and Scale Object size Whiteness(White balance) Depth of field (Aperture) Wide angle Focus Flash Exposure Light - Shadow Aperture:絞り Telephotograph:望遠

22 Sampling not good good

23 Sampling not good

24 Label good not good

25 Object size not good not good good

26 Whiteness (white balance)
not good good

27 Whiteness (white balance)
A white standard changes depending on light source. Adjustment of whiteness by 18% gray paper or white paper.

28 How to adjust whiteness (white balance)
Adjustment whiteness with a gray or white paper in a laboratory in a glass house or field

29 Color Expression not so good different color

30 Color Expression good same color

31 Depth of field good not good

32 Depth of field Depth of field Shallow Deep Aperture (F value) Open (low) Close(high) Amount of light Many Few Shutter speed Fast Slow When you take photo whose depth of field is deep, you should use photo stand (to avoid the defocus photo)

33 Wide angle not good good

34 Wide angle

35 Focus not good good

36 Flash use not use not good good

37 Exposure over just under not good good not good

38 sunny Light - Shadow cloudy not good good

39 best sunlight condition for clear photo
Time morning (around 10:00) Place near the north facing window in the room Whether cloudy quality and quantity of sunlight is good

40 Thank you.

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