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Emerging architectures and standards in telecommunications 0 3GPP and IMS have redefined telecom network architectures for next generation all IP networks.

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2 Emerging architectures and standards in telecommunications 0 3GPP and IMS have redefined telecom network architectures for next generation all IP networks 0 4G/LTE/Wi-MAX in wireless and NGN in wired networks use: 0 IMS as the core in application domain 0 DIAMETER as the core in AAA and policy management domain 0 RADIUS has been enhanced to support complex service management scenarios for Wi-MAX and other modern networks

3 AdvOSS Service Charging Solution 0 Compliant with 3GPP, Wi-MAX, IMS and NGN 0 TM-Forum Shared Information Model (SID) Roadmap Compliance. 0 The basic solution supports RADIUS for AAA and real- time prepaid and post-paid charging scenarios 0 Both RADIUS and DIAMETER are available as part of Service Management Solution for advanced use cases such as 3GGP compliant policy framework (PCRF)

4 AdvOSS Service Charging Diverse Portfolio of future proof Billing & OSS Products CRM & Order Management Provisioning Engine Converged Billing Charging & Rating Engine Voucher Management Franchisee Management RADIUS Server

5 AdvOSS Service Charging AdvOSS RADIUS Server 0 Part of Service Charging Portfolio 0 Multiple Authentication schemes 0 Real-time session management 0 Several out of the box AAA applications 0 Change of Authorization (Server Initiated) 0 Real-time interface to Service Charging and Rating 0 CDR generation 0 Revenue Assurance 0 Service Assurance

6 AdvOSS Service Charging AdvOSS RADIUS Server 0 Built on top of AdvOSS Service Delivery Platform (SDP) 0 Scalable to millions of subscriber sessions 0 Supports Automated Failover and High Availability for carrier grade deployments 0 Supports on the fly extensibility and customizability to accommodate new AAA use cases through simple XML/JavaScript based scripting

7 AdvOSS Service Charging CRM 0 AdvOSS CRM allows a service provider to manage all aspects of its relationship with its Customers. It allows the CSP to define services, create multiple Service Offerings for each service, bundle them in products and catalogs and issue those products as subscriptions to subscribers. AdvOSS CRM

8 AdvOSS Service Charging Provisioning Engine 0 AdvOSS Provisioning Engine executes all changes on the network elements required for order fulfillment or service management purposes. It provides multiple transports to integrate with different types of interfaces. It can integrate with any work flow orchestration engine and includes three different types of orchestration engines. AdvOSS Provisioning Engine

9 Account Balance Management Multiple Currencies Payment Processing Billing Cycles Subscription Charges Invoicing & Financials Virtual Operators Corporate Billing & Enterprise Accounts Friends n Family Packages Multi-services Billing Automatic Service Management AdvOSS Converged BillingAdvOSS Converged Billing enables a service provider to process subscription charges for the services that it offers. It allows converged multiple services to be provided to subscribers and allows flexible subscriber and subscription models with different life cycles. It generates invoices and processes all payments in different ways. It integrates with CRM, Rating & Charging engines, HSS and Provisioning Engines for full cycle service management. AdvOSS Service Charging Converged Billing

10 Corporate Wallet Employee A Basic Business Plan Manager Premium Business Plan - Free on net calls - 500 Free mins on national calls Sr. Executive Premium Plus Business Plan -Free on net calls, 1000 Free mins on local and international calls AdvOSS Service Charging Corporate Billing & Enterprise Account Wallet Management

11 AdvOSS Service Charging Multi-services Billing 0 Sophisticated Multi-services Billing & Service Management 0 Easy on the fly creation & management of new services Enterprise Account Wimax DataVPN VOIP/SIP Trunk Video Conferencing IP Contact Center Web Hosting

12 AdvOSS Service Charging Subscription model 0 Services are bundled into service groups: 0 Service group is a collection of related services 0 Service offerings 0 Unit of service that can be subscribed individually e.g. offerings can be created for data, voice, video, gaming etc. It has associated subscription charges with it 0 Counter offerings 0 Units of Service Quotas e.g. free minutes or volume, that can be offered as bundled with Service Offering or as separately subscribed add on. 0 Plans 0 Provides bundling of service offerings and counter offerings 0 Line Rents 0 Non-usage based fixed charges the customer needs to pay as rent of service or inventory item For further details of AdvOSS Subscription model check our knowledge base article from herehere

13 AdvOSS Service Charging Subscriptions 0 Subscriptions are objects that allow the customers access to services 0 Customers are assigned subscriptions when they subscribe to services 0 Subscriptions have periodic billing cycles 0 They may also have associated counters as quota e.g. free volume, free minutes 0 On each billing cycle, subscription charges are deducted AND associated counters are re-initialized 0 Difference between subscription charges and Non usage charges: 0 Subscriptions are always against usage of services 0 Non usage charges are just deducted at fixed intervals 0 No counters are re-initialized on their deduction For further details check AdvOSS knowledge base article from herehere

14 AdvOSS Service Charging Charging & Rating Engine 0 AdvOSS Charging & Rating Engine enables a service provider to track usage of its services by its customers. It includes a quota manager that consumes usage of services against different counters defined as part of subscriptions. It also includes an Account Balance Management Function that keeps track of customers balances. Rating Engine allows flexible pricing mechanisms for usage of services including flat, time varying, progressive and others. AdvOSS Charging & Rating Engine

15 AdvOSS Service Charging Charging & Rating Engine 0 3GPP compliant 0 Real-time 0 Quota Manger (3GPP counter objects) 0 Session Based Charging 0 Real-time session management for multiple services 0 Voice, Data, video, gaming 0 Event-Based Charging 0 Each occurrence of an event charged individually 0 SMS, MMS, Games

16 AdvOSS Service Charging Session Based Charging 0 Session Based Charging divided into two further categories: 0 Duration Based charging 0 Voice calls 0 Internet usage time 0 Usage Based charging 0 Volume consumed 0 Flow-based volume consumption 0 Individual services accessed as flows e.g. OTT (videos, gaming, VOIP)

17 AdvOSS Service Charging What is Real-time Charging? 0 Real-time Charging requires to support one or more of the following modes or options: 0 Unit reservation 0 Interim Accounting 0 Combination of both 0 A charging engine that does not support the above modes cannot perform in real-time for data charging since it does not have information about tariff rate switching and the corresponding usage in each tariff slot during the session

18 AdvOSS Service Charging Unit reservation 0 Units of duration or usage reserved by network service delivery function before delivering the service 0 Units reserved from the account balance 0 (Re-)Authorization application reserves the units before delivering service in collaboration with Charging Engine 0 More units reserved when expired if session still going on 0 Residual units returned to account from last reservation when session terminates 0 Enables pure real-time prepaid behavior 0 Enables concurrent sessions 0 Account cannot go into negative balance ever

19 AdvOSS Service Charging Interim Accounting 0 Periodic Interim accounting packets provide the accounting clock during an ongoing session 0 Usage units deducted on each Interim accounting directly from account balance 0 Account can go into negative if usage exceeds the remaining balance in the interval between two successive interim accounting packets 0 This mode is called near real-time and pre-paid with a small risk 0 Risk can be minimized by reducing the interval between successive Interims 0 Balance needs to be stricken between reducing the interval and increasing the network traffic

20 AdvOSS Service Charging Combination of Interim Accounting and unit reservation 0 Units reserved in session as in Re-Authorization on start of Accounting session 0 Periodic Interim accounting packets provide the accounting clock during an ongoing session 0 Usage units deducted from the reservation on each Interim accounting instead of directly from the account balance 0 Residual units returned to account on session termination 0 Minimizes risk of balance going into negative further

21 AdvOSS Service Charging Rating Engine 0 Rating Types: 0 Event Based Rate Sheets 0 Session Based Rate Sheets 0 Usage Based Rate Sheets 0 Rounding 0 Progressive Rates 0 Peak/Off-Peak Rates 0 Holiday Discounts 0 Loyalty Programs 0 Free Minutes and Free Volumes 0 Friends and Family Packages 0 Rate Activation Management 0 Customized Rating through breakout functions For further details check AdvOSS knowledge base article from herehere

22 AdvOSS Service Charging Counters 0 Quota holding units of service usage 0 Can be created and offered to customers for direct subscription 0 Can be offered as part of a service offering 0 May include a matching criteria at the time of service usage to update them 0 Policy can be defined on counter becoming full Examples: 0 Free volume (No matching criteria) 0 Night unlimited (matching criteria time of day) 0 Free minutes for calls to specific prefixes in voice (matching criteria is the dialed prefix) 0 Friends and Family (matching criteria is the dialing and dialed numbers) For further details of Counters check AdvOSS knowledge base article from herehere

23 AdvOSS Service Charging Transactional API 0 AdvOSS Service Charging solution exposes a highly efficient Transactional Application Programming Interface to its companion products, or other third party clients. 0 The API can be called from workflow layers provided by accompanying AdvOSS products such as AAA and provisioning engine. 0 The combination of workflow layer and API enables: 0 Realization of complex use cases by writing applications and business logic on top of service charging and billing 0 Easy extensibility and addition of new functionality

24 AdvOSS Service charging Transactional Application Programming Interface

25 AdvOSS Service Charging Voucher Management System 0 AdvOSS Voucher Management System enables a Service Provider to use pins as payment vouchers. It provides a highly secure mechanism of pin generation and then full life cycle of the pin including activation, selling, redemption and purging, Supports scratch cards and dispensable pins. Allows resellers to generate their own pins. Provides integration with different payment terminals. Generates real-time detailed reports for business intelligence AdvOSS Voucher Management System

26 AdvOSS Service Charging Franchisee Management System 0 AdvOSS Franchisee Management System enables a service provider to appoint a network of franchisees for sales and payment processing. It also allows sales and tracking of payment vouchers to them. It supports creation, distribution and eventual redemption of electronic credit as a method of payment and for this purpose allows franchisees to make their own network of reseller franchisees. Includes self-serve portal for Franchisee admins and tellers AdvOSS Franchisee Management System

27 Contact Us Head Office:10691 Shellbridge Way, Suite 120 Richmond, British Columbia V6X 2W8 Canada Tel: +1 (604) 800 0269 Website: http://AdvOSS.com

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