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Fall 2017 Internships.

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1 Fall 2017 Internships

Info packet & required forms are on my website: then click on Internships link EXERCISE SCIENCE COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATION 120 hours required (12 hrs/week) 240 hours required (24 hrs/week) Terms runs from Sept 25th – Dec 1st. Hours cannot be started until Sept 25th and forms MUST be received on Sept 26th. If forms are late, hours may NOT be counted until forms are received.

3 Forms due at next meeting.
You should start looking for a placement….. The site must be approved by appropriate internship coordinator. Ada Massa Gonzalez for EXS / Janet Roberts for CHE Complete forms B & C See Internship Coordinator regarding form A TYPED except for signatures Handwritten forms will NOT be accepted. Incomplete forms Points will be deducted for incomplete or inaccurate information. Forms due at next meeting.

4 Form A – Master Agreement (if applicable)
This agreement is entered into this ___ day of ___ 20__ (“Effective Date” between Western Oregon University (WOU), an Oregon non-profit cooperation and education institution (WOU), and ____ (The “Experience Provider”) located at _____. First line example: 20th day of April 2015 _______ (The “Experience Provider”) = company name NOT person’s name Example: PTNorthwest; Marion-Polk Food Share; etc Located at __________ = physical address (street address, city, state, zip) Example: 345 N. Monmouth Ave, Monmouth, OR 97361 Make sure ALL blanks are filled in The Experience Provider = the name of the company where you will be interning.

5 Form A continued – Page 1 CHE EXS For Experience Provider: For WOU:
Name: Janet Roberts Ada Massa Gonzalez Address: 345 N Monmouth Ave, Monmouth, OR 97361 Telephone: (503) (503) Note: For Experience Provider, the information will be supervisor’s name and Information; however, signature on 2nd page needs to be the person who can Legally sign contracts.

6 Form A – Master Agreement page 2
Experience Provider: Western Oregon University: By: (Signature) By: Internship Coordinator signs Name: Print name Name: Internship Coordinator prints name Date: Date: Note: Experience Provider’s signature here will be whoever at the organization may legally sign contracts.

7 Form B – Student Agreement
Student Name: Your name Internship Start Date: 9/25/2017 End Date: 12/1/2017 Department and Course Number: Either HE419 or EXS419 Quarter Enrolled: Fall Year: 2017 Credit Hours: 8/4 Internship Site (“Experience Provider”): Internship Company Name Complete Internship Address: Street #, Street, City, State, Zip Site Supervisor: Supervisor’s first and last name Phone: Supervisor’s phone# Supervisor’s

8 Form C - Objectives Fill out the top of the form
Do NOT hand forms to your site supervisor to fill out! Objectives need to be TYPED and in correct format (see instructions) “To research fall prevention programs by July 15th, ” To assist with 3 new patient assessments by June 1st, 2017” Personal versus Agency objectives

9 Form C continued You will need to meet with your site supervisor before you start your internship to determine objectives. KEEP a copy of form C for your records.

10 Upcoming Meetings Meetings are MANDATORY!!
Tuesday, Sept 26th, 4pm, Location TBA We will a reminder

11 Check WOU email regularly
CHE CRN EXS CRN 10758 10713

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