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Foster Positive Working Relationships

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1 Foster Positive Working Relationships

2 Key Terms Human Relations: The study of the ways in which people relate to each other in group situations Interdependence: Unable to exist or survive without each other Defeatist Attitude: Showing a tendency to expect failure or accept it too readily Inferior Attitude: A feeling of failure to meet a standard of quality, ability, or achievement Superior Attitude: A feeling of surpassing others in something such as intellect, achievement, or ability Mature Attitude: Showing the mental, emotional, or physical characteristics associated with a fully developed adult person

3 How Human Relationships are Significant aspects of our daily lives
Human relations covers all types of interactions among people—their conflicts, cooperative efforts, and group relationships. The importance of human relations can be summarized in one concise law of personal and organizational success: All work is done through relationships. Employees are more productive when they have the ability to develop effective relationships with their supervisor, fellow workers, customers, and clients.

4 Basic Themes for Effective Human Relations
Seven major themes emerge from a study of human relations: Communication Self-Awareness Self-Acceptance Motivation Trust Self-Disclosure Conflict Resolution These themes reflect the current concern in human relations with personal growth and satisfaction of organization objectives.

5 The Importance of Effective Human Relations at Work
Human relations in the workplace are a major part of what makes a business work. Employees must frequently work together on projects, communicate ideas and provide motivation to get things done. Without a stable and inviting workplace culture, difficult challenges can arise both in the logistics of managing employees and in the bottom line. Businesses with engaging workplaces and a well-trained workforce are more likely to retain and attract qualified employees, foster loyalty with customers and more quickly adapt to meet the needs of a changing marketplace.

6 Skills/Characteristics Needed to Develop Effective Relationships
Trust – This is the foundation of every good relationship. When you trust your team and colleagues, you form a powerful bond that helps you work and communicate more effectively. If you trust the people you work with, you can be open and honest in your thoughts and actions, and you don't have to waste time and energy "watching your back." Mutual Respect – When you respect the people that you work with, you value their input and ideas, and they value yours. Working together, you can develop solutions based on your collective insight, wisdom and creativity. Mindfulness – This means taking responsibility for your words and actions. Those who are mindful are careful and attend to what they say, and they don't let their own negative emotions impact the people around them. Welcoming Diversity – People with good relationships not only accept diverse people and opinions, but they welcome them. For instance, when your friends and colleagues offer different opinions from yours, you take the time to consider what they have to say, and factor their insights into your decision-making. Open Communication – We communicate all day, whether we're sending s and IMs, or meeting face-to-face. The better and more effectively you communicate with those around you, the richer your relationships will be. All good relationships depend on open, honest communication.

7 The Significance of Interdependence Among Workers
Interdependence in the workplace is the way employees interact and relate with each other, drawing from each person's contribution so that a greater goal is reached. As individuals working either dependently or independently, workers would not be able to accomplish the goals of the organization as successfully because of the imbalance created from not utilizing everyone's skill sets appropriately.

8 Attitudes That Are Common Among Workers
Negative positive Pessimistic Skeptical Jealous Angry Dishonest Fearful Gives up Lack of Self-Confidence Rejects Change Talks negative about the company Optimistic Punctual Happy Friendly Determined Honest Doesn’t Give Up Displays Self-Confidence Accepts Change Talks positive about the company

9 Leadership Styles Authoritarian Leaders: A leadership style in which the leader dictates policies and procedures, decides what goals are to be achieved, and directs and controls all activities without any meaningful participation by the subordinates Democratic Leaders: Involves a team guided by a leader where all individuals are involved in the decision-making process to determine what needs to be done and how it should be done. The group's leader has the authority to make the final decision of the group. Laissez-Faire Leaders: A non-authoritarian leadership style. Laissez faire leaders try to give the least possible guidance to subordinates, and try to achieve control through less obvious means. They believe that people excel when they are left alone to respond to their responsibilities and obligations in their own ways.

10 Actions Employees Should Take To Establish Working Relationships With Each Leadership Style
Authoritarian Leaders: Adapt to your leader’s style Build a relationship Do not insult your leader Do not try to take over Democratic Leaders: Be a team player Give your input when necessary When problems arise, be sure to communicate with your leader Build a relationship with your leader and team Laissez-Faire Leaders: Report all ideas to your leader Be sure to meet all deadlines If you have any questions, address them to your leader Communicate with leader and team when necessary

11 Foster Positive Working Relationships Activities
Foster Positive Working Relationships Worksheet (In Zip File) Workplace Relationship Essay: Write an essay on a movie that displays a positive workplace relationship. Provide a brief summary of the movie and explain why you believe this working relationship was positive. Building Positive Workplace Relationships Brochure or PowerPoint Presentation Read and summarize one of the following articles: relationships-at-work Building Positive Workplace Relationship Foldable Create a Foldable listing at least 4 ways to building a positive workplace relationship. (Include pictures) Building Positive Workplace Relationships Article Research and find 5 articles on building a positive workplace relationship. Create a newsletter summarizing each of the articles

12 References Authoritarian Leaders . (2014). Business Dictionary. Retrieved September 7, 2014, from Brandt, R. (2013). Effective Human Relations. Retrieved September 7, 2014, from Building Good Relationship Skills. (2014). Mind Tools. Retrieved September 7, 2014, from Democratic Leaders . (2014). Business Dictionary. Retrieved September 7, 2014, from Laissez-Faire Leaders . (2014). Business Dictionary. Retrieved September 7, 2014, from Petryni, M. (2014). The Importance of Human Relations in the Workplace. Retrieved September 7, 2014, from Windermere, A. (2014). The Definition of Interdependence in the Workplace. Retrieved September 7, 2014, from

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