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PHYZR #3: Doing Math with Tens Prelims – Page 4.

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Presentation on theme: "PHYZR #3: Doing Math with Tens Prelims – Page 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 PHYZR #3: Doing Math with Tens Prelims – Page 4

2 We only have ten symbols to represent an infinite amount of numbers.
5 7 2 8 9 6 3 1 4

3 1 7 8 9 6 5 2 1 3 4 Problem: How do we write numbers larger than nine?
2 1 3 4 “tens” “ones” Solution: add a new number place!

4 2. IN BETWEEN NUMBERS Problem: How do we write numbers in between other numbers? 1 2 3 2 1 . 4 1 3 5 2 what number is this? “ones” “tenths” Solution: add a decimal place!

5 Why does this work? Every ten symbols, we have to move to a new place!
3. MULTIPLYING BY TEN , . Get bigger by ten times (one place) Why does this work? Every ten symbols, we have to move to a new place!

6 Get smaller by ten times (one place)
4. DIVIDING BY TEN , . Get smaller by ten times (one place)

7 Get bigger by ten times (one place)
3. MULTIPLYING BY TEN , . Get bigger by ten times (one place)

8 Get smaller by ten times (one place)
4. DIVIDING BY TEN , . Get smaller by ten times (one place)

9 Multiply by ten makes the number ______.
5. RULE SUMMARY Multiply by ten makes the number ______. Divide by ten makes the number ______. bigger smaller , . multiply divide (bigger) (smaller)

10 6. PRACTICE , . Solve each problem: 50 0.2 4 0.07 3.6 150 0.4 0.04

11 We’ll come back to this after we finish Page #3

12 7. POSITIVE EXPONENTS , . Move 3 spaces bigger.

13 8. NEGATIVE EXPONENTS , . Move 3 spaces smaller.

14 9. PRACTICE , . Solve each problem: 700 0.02 200 0.0001 0.007 8200

15 Which number is the largest?
10. WEIRD LOOKING NUMBERS Which number is the largest? . 5 = . 5 = . = 5 = 5 . = 5 . = 5 .

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