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Earthquakes Chapters 8 & 9.

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Presentation on theme: "Earthquakes Chapters 8 & 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earthquakes Chapters 8 & 9

2 Boundaries Divergent boundaries Convergent boundaries
Locations where plates are moving away Oceanic ridges, rift valleys… Convergent boundaries Oceanic – Continental Oceanic crust is being subducted underneath a continental crust Locations – S. America, Pacific NW, Oceanic – Oceanic Two oceanic crusts are converging, one subducts Locations – Aleutians (Island Arc), Japan…

3 Boundaries Types of Faults Continental – Continental
Two continental crusts are colliding Locations – India, eventually northern Africa Types of Faults Normal fault – portion moves downward

4 Boundaries Reverse Faults
The hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall

5 Boundaries Transform (Strike-slip) Faults
The plates move horizontal and parallel to each other

6 Transform, Reverse, or Normal?

7 Transform, Reverse, or Normal?

8 Transform, Reverse, or Normal?

9 Transform, Reverse, or Normal?

10 Transform, Reverse, or Normal?

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