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Do We Impact the Atmosphere?

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Presentation on theme: "Do We Impact the Atmosphere?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do We Impact the Atmosphere?

2 Human Impact on the Atmosphere
Air Pollutant Major Source Effects Carbon Monoxide Automobile exhaust Reduces delivery of oxygen to body tissues; impairs vision and reflexes Nitrogen dioxide Burning of fossil fuels in power plants and automobiles Irritates the lungs and lowers resistance to respiratory infections; contributes to acid rain and smog Sulfur dioxide Burning of fossil fuels in power plants, oil refineries, paper mills, volcanoes Irritates respiratory system; contributes to acid rain Particular matter Factories, power plants, oil refineries, paper mills, volcanoes Contributes to respiratory problems, linked to some cancers, cane temperature Lead Smelters, battery plants Damages nervous system and digestive system Ozone Reactions of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons in the presence of sunlit Reduces lung function and causes inflammation


4 Humans Impact on the Stratosphere
Chlorofluorocarbons (or CFCs): once commonly used in air conditioners, in aerosol spray cans, and for cleaning machine parts. CFCs break down and release chlorine which mixes with the ozone London Agreement(1991): more than 90 countries banned the production and use of CFCs except for limited medical uses.

5 Human Impact on Atmosphere
Ozone Depletion Repair: 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer treaty: 170 nations agree to reduce and eventually eliminate the production of CFC’s and other ozone depleting substances by 2006 Ozone Depletion Risks: Humans: higher rates of cancer, cataracts, premature skin aging, weakening of immune system Plants: harm crops, destroy marine phytoplankton

6 Quick Check 1 Name 6 man made pollutants that impact the atmosphere. (Use ones in power point!) What agreement banned the use of CFC’s except for medical uses in order to prevent ozone depletion? Name 2 impacts of ozone depletion on people.

7 Human Impact on the Atmosphere
Acid Rain Occurs when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides react with water vapor in the air Measured using Ph scale Usually a little under 6 on this scale To move up a number equals a 10 fold increase

8 Human Impact on Atmosphere

9 Human Impact on the Atmospheres
Acid Rain Can harm plant and animal life Forests can strip vital nutrients from soil Trees may have limited growth and may be more vulnerable to parasites and disease Damages structures built of limestone or marble

10 Human Impacts on Acid Rain

11 Quick Check 2 4. What 2 substances react with water vapor to form acid rain? 5.What are 2 impacts on the soil caused by acid rain? 6. What are 2 impacts on water due to acid rain? 7. Why would acidic rain be a consideration for a homeowner or building contractor?

12 Human Impact on the Atmosphere
Smog Originated in 1900s from smoky fog in London Photochemical smog: brownish haze Results from a chemical reaction triggered by sunlight in the presence of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons from vehicle emissions

13 Human Impact on the Atmosphere
Smog May result in ozone in troposphere respiratory distress or stunted plant growth or even reduce crop yields Air is colder at earth’s surface than air above it convection cannot occur(temperature inversion)

14 Quick Check 3 8. What combines with sunlight to form photochemical smog? 9. What are 2 impacts of smog on organisms?

15 Air Quality Index The AQI is an index for reporting daily air quality – it tells you how clean or polluted the air is and associated health concerns. Today’s air quality. Wake top polluters

16 Quick Check 4 10. What does AQI stand for and what is it? 11. What do each of the different colors represent when monitoring the air quality? 12. What is the forecasted AQI for today?

17 Clean Air Act How the Act Works:
The Act calls for states and the EPA to solve multiple air pollution problems through programs based on the latest science and technology information.  For more than forty years, the Clean Air Act has cut pollution as the U.S. economy has grown. These amendments set the stage for protecting the ozone layer, reducing acid rain and toxic pollutants, and improving air quality and visibility.


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