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Visual vocab part 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Visual vocab part 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual vocab part 3

2 Amount of solutes higher outside the cell, the solution would be?

3 The process involving mRNA, ribosomes and tRNA
Protein synthesis

4 Section of DNA that codes for a protein.

5 Tool to track affected individuals within a family

6 Organelle where photosynthesis takes place

7 Transport against the concentration gradient using ATP
Active transport

8 Trait that “over powers” another version of that same gene
Dominant trait

9 Largest and most diverse taxonomic level

10 Interaction between two atoms
Chemical bond

11 Taxonomic level that is one level more specific than Order

12 Pump responsible for neuron signals
Sodium potassium pump

13 Movement of water from an area of high concentration to low

14 The expression of the genotype

15 Organelle responsible for cellular respiration

16 Genetic information Storage molecule

17 Taxonomic level that is one level more specific than Class

18 Transport from high to low using a carrier protein
Facilitated diffusion

19 Structures that do not have a purpose in a modern organism, but were useful to ancestors of that organism Vestigial structure

20 Type of population growth in which the population grows without limit
Exponential growth

21 Molecule that cells use to store and release energy

22 Type of interaction in which one organism benefits and the other is neither harmed nor helped.

23 Two species living together in direct contact; one benefits

24 The process cells use to make ATP
Cellular respiration

25 A molecule composed of amino acids bonded together with peptide bonds; the product of gene expression protein

26 A single DNA molecule wound around structural proteins; DNA condenses to form this during prophase

27 Type of symbiosis in which one organism benefits, but the other is harmed.

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