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The Job Application Process-

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2 The Job Application Process-
Interviews and Follow-up Chapter # 19 By: Saif Bukhari

3 PREVIEW Successful preparation for the job interview
Successful Negotiating Successful Follow-up Messages After the interview (not included) Successful preparation for the job interview

4 Successful Preparation for the Job Interview
Definitions of success One of the well-accepted definitions of success is goal attainment. Achieving a challenging goal or set of goals would be considered success by most people.

5 Success "Success means the achievement of a challenging and measurable goal that I have set for myself or that has been delegated to me. In my previous position I had specific sales targets to meet every quarter. I set myself the goal of been up on my monthly targets by 5 percent. I managed to exceed my quarterly targets by 8 percent on average. That, for me, was success!"

6 I - Successful Preparation for the Job Interview
A. Prior to the Interview B. Chronology of the Interview C. Activity During the Interview D. Answering or Asking Questions During the Interview Chronology, The arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence. Chronological - Urdu meanings: تاریخ وارانہ

7 II. Successful Follow-Up Messages After the Interview
A. Candidate to Employer B. Employer to Candidate

8 III. Successful Negotiating
A. Basic Preparation for Negotiating the Job Offer . B. Basic Issues in Negotiating the Job Offer Negotiating 1. Discussion aimed at reaching an agreement: “ 2. The action or process of negotiating: "negotiation of the deals". Negotiating negotiate - Urdu meanings: بات چیت کرنا

Know yourself Know your resume Know the company Know the position Know some questions and answers Know that your nonverbal appearance communicates loudly Know that your oral delivery also communicates Know the meeting place, time, and other details Know some basic salary ranges Know that you must rehearse INTERVIEW PREPARATION

10 Purpose of the Resume & Cover Letter:
To obtain an interview (not a job) by communicating your unique knowledge, skills and values required for a targeted job

11 Important preliminary steps
Self-Assess: What are your skills, interests, values? Identify specific career fields of interest: Which are a good fit for you? Research the career fields Identify the specific language of the fields Identify the skills of the fields: Job specific skills and transferable skills

12 Picking a resume style which best presents your qualifications
Chronological Represents your experience in a date order with the most recent/relevant experience first. Functional Emphasizes qualifications according to categories using job-related skills. Work experience is placed under different skill categories, not under specific positions. Combination Mixes both Chronological and Functional.

13 Chronological Interview
A chronological interview is a style of interview in which you will be asked to talk about your life in rough chronological order, usually from your school days through to the present day. You may be asked to explain why you made certain choices, or why you think your background and experiences make you a suitable candidate for the job you have applied for. The chronological interview is less structured (Planned) than a standard interview as assessor (Evaluator) are trying to see the reasoning behind each life decision. They may ask you to elaborate on certain points of interest. Candidates undertaking this type of interview are often asked to complete a career history form in advance, or minimally provide a CV.

Introduction (2-5 mins) Company information (5-10 mins) Candidate Assessment mins) Conclusion (1-2 mins)

Positive Desirable Behavior Show enthusiasm, vitality and interest Be honest Listen attentively, concentrate Keep answers brief Show interest in the company Show analytical skills Negative Factors to avoid Discourtesy Jargon, slang Overaggressive or cynical attitude (know it all) Unfavorable comments Disregard for positive factors

Check the list of 25 interview favorite questions and prepare accordingly Five sample questions Where do you expect to be in 5 years Give me a list of your strengths and weaknesses What do you think it takes to be successful in this position Give me three reasons why you are interested in this position Describe the kind of boss you prefer

17 Answering or asking questions during the Interview
Bridge confrontational and unfair employment questions Questioning the interviewer Prepare your questions about company, position and career advancement (check book) Check the list of 25 interview favorite questions and prepare accordingly Five sample questions Where do you expect to be in 5 years Give me a list of your strengths and weaknesses What do you think it takes to be successful in this position Give me three reasons why you are interested in this position Describe the kind of boss you prefer

Being personally satisfied, being at ease with a compromise is a valuable lesson in negotiation Basic Preparation for Negotiating the job offer Spend time in gathering comparative financial and benefit information in order to present your most forceful arguments for your position Sources; Alumni, placement reports, your own resume, National Business Employment Weekly

Negotiate Your Total Compensation Package Cash issues Fringe or other benefits issues Your position Your work envioronment Your beginning / ending work benefits

Gather information from alumni, friends, placement reports, your own resume and national publications Prepare Carefully Collect reliable information about the median and range of salaries in your functional area, your industry, and even your geographic area of the country Know Specific data Compensation issues as cash and fringe benefits Position within the company Environment of the company Beginning and ending of work benefits Organize negotiating plan into four parts

21 Take Away Hard work Learn english – keep improving Style yourself
Make long term and short term goals Thing big Read Quran in Urdu Be kind to every one around


23 Interview Preparation
An invitation for an interview shows that, on paper, you are the right person required by the organisation for the vacant position. In fact, it is estimated that 80% of candidates are rejected at the application stage so you are really more than three quarters of the way towards getting the job!

24 Interview Preparation
Larger organisations will have interviewers who are often personnel professionals, or who are trained and experienced interviewers, so expect the interview to be very structured to obtain the maximum from you. In smaller firms you are more likely to be interviewed by a partner who may not be a trained interviewer. If you are confronted by a 'bad' interviewer you will have to work hard to use the questions as a means of conveying the points you wish to make. It can be a good idea to try to steer the conversation towards the topics you have particular strengths in, highlighting your good points.

25 Interview Preparation
There are several different types of interview/questioning techniques: - The straightforward chronological interview, where you are asked questions around your CV / Application form Criterion referenced interviews, where you will be asked to give examples of how you meet their criteria e.g., examples of teamwork, negotiating, leadership

26 Interview Preparation
The off-the-wall questions where you might be asked some bizarre questions. This is to see if you can think on the spot and how creative/logical you are. The pressurised interview where your views will be challenged (or even ridiculed) and you might feel like you are being goaded into an argument. If this happens to you do not lose your cool, it is to test how you react under extreme pressure and to see if you can hold your own without starting a fight or being reduced to tears.

27 Preparation for Interview
Preparation is essential if you want to do well. Have a look at the checklist: Stage 1 - Preparation Re-read your resume. Prepare questions to ask and to be asked Work out clothes to wear Rehearse interview Anticipate the obvious questions during the interview Work out a strategy for dealing with stress Read vacancy details, employer's literature - what they are and what they want Know where the interview will take place

28 Preparation for Interview
Stage 2 - First Impressions Count Arrive in good time Make a good entrance Body language - handshake, posture, eye contact Smile Stage 3 - The Interview Be yourself Be honest Be prepared to talk - but not too much Don't be afraid to ask for clarification Illustrate your answers with examples Be ready to sell yourself Be interesting

29 Preparation for Interview
Stage 4 - The Final Stage Know when the interview is over - read employer's body language Thank him/her for his/her time Learn from the experience - ask for feedback if necessary Questions You May Wish To Ask The Organization Major current projects Future developments

30 Preparation for Interview
Work What you would be doing How long for Typical projects/timescales Variety of work Training Training offered/possible Help with professional qualifications Colleagues Who would you work with? Location Where would you be based? How much travel/mobility

31 Preparation for Interview
Prospects/Salary Likely progression Where are previous graduates General Way of Life Accommodation, amenities, limits on free time etc

32 Questions You Can Prepare
Questions You Can Prepare for interview Tell us about yourself Why did you choose your degree and what have you gained from it? What has been your most important achievement in life so far? Why? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Why have you applied for this job? What do you have to offer us? What are the current issues in this sector of work? What experience do you have of working in a team and what role did you play in that team? Describe a project you have successfully completed. How would your friends describe you? Describe a situation you have found difficult. How did you overcome it? What questions would you like to ask us?

33 Chap 11: name and briefly describe all Contents of short reports
Chap 11: Names of Tools of modern business communication, how can you use linked in for job search Chap 11: name and briefly describe all Contents of short reports Chap: 12: contents of long report, briefly explain the supplemental sections Chap : 13: Check list for writing a proposal Chap: 13: what are the parts of proposal, explain any five Chap : 13: what are the parts of short proposals, explain any five Chap: 14 : what are the ways of delivering the oral message, explain. Chap : 14: what are the strategies for effective non verbal delivery, explain Chap : 14 : make a check list for reducing stage freight Chap : 15 : What are the suggestions for approaching a hostile (aggressive) group Chap : 15 : how do you organize your speech Chap : 16 : write note on interviewee’s responsibilities Chap : 17 : formation of groups Chap : 17 : Methods of problem solving in group meetings Chap : 17: what are the leadership’s responsibilities in group meetings Chap : 18: What is the self assessment process before writing a job resume Chap : 19: Mention the steps of interview preparation and explain anyone Chap : 19: Write the checklist on successfully negotiating the job offer The length of content may vary, according to the number of required questions in question paper


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