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Journal Answer each of the following using complete sentences:

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1 Journal Answer each of the following using complete sentences:
Some states have recently proposed that any juvenile who is proven to be a member of a gang caught committing a crime be automatically tried as an adult. Agree or disagree, and why? What impact did the In re Gault case have on juvenile justice in the US? Juvenile justice was born of the struggle between the control and humanitarian philosophies of corrections. Explain the difference between these two theories. Which do you believe is more supported by the citizens of the US in cases involving juveniles, and why? Which do you believe is more effective, and why?

2 Crime and Punishment Part I: Using any available online resources, locate real-life examples of 6 of the 7 different “Sentencing Options” provided by your text. In each case, provide a very brief summary which includes the individual’s crime, what their actual sentence was, and where you found this article. This may be completed neatly in chart-form. Part II: Using online resource, visit websites for two different types of juvenile facilities. Then, create basic chart organizing the following information for each: purpose/mission statement, method of reform, staff (and staff training, if provided), facilities description, cost (if private) and a general idea of their daily schedule. No credit will be given for work copied and pasted, with the exception of mission statements. Part III: Using online resources ( and your text create a brief outline which includes the following topics = Definition of Capital Punishment, History of Capital Punishment in the US, Controversy Regarding Capital Punishment (support and opposition), Examples (6) of Crimes in NC that have led to a capital sentence

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