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The Executive Branch The Plural Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "The Executive Branch The Plural Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Executive Branch The Plural Executive

2 The Governor Informal Powers Partisan leadership Access to Congressmen
Most visible member of his/her political party in Texas Able to set the party agenda Access to Congressmen The ‘chief lobbyist’ for the state Member of the Nat’l Association of State Governors Persuasion Connected with both formal and informal message power “Leadership style” How the governor uses his or her formal and informal powers

3 The Plural Executive Multiple Independently Elected Executive Officers
Rick Perry Susan Combs Greg Abbott Jerry Patterson Todd Staples David Dewhurst Multiple Independently Elected Executive Officers May belong to different parties from each other Do not answer to each other Hold each other in check Must work together to implement public policy in Texas

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