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Redevelopment of the former Chivers Factory

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1 Redevelopment of the former Chivers Factory
Andrew Gillick, Managing Director.

2 Who we are Andrew and Maurice Gillick CBS O’Connells
University Educated Born and Raised on Dublin’s Northside (Glasnevin) Own and run and successful London based Property Company Developments have included: Planning and building a 14 storey tower in London Waterloo (Hotel) on a red route and including a listed building Planning and building over one of Thames Water’s largest London water Mains- including a basement carpark Planning and building 450k commercial sq ft beside Heathrow Airport Planning and building a 12 story tower in Battersea beside a trainline and partly on Railtrack land Planning a residential and mixed use scheme over the Northern Tube Line Awards Have Included The Sunday Times British Homes Awards 2015 Commendation Conversion, Refurbishment and Restoration Civic Trust Awards 2015 Commendation Projects that make a significant contribution to the quality and appearance of the Built Environment. (one of only 250 in the UK)

3 Summary Aims and Requests
What we have Long term vacant industrial building in largely residential location No realistic prospect of bringing back into use that is compatible with the location We would ask for your support to Have the site rezoned to residential use and support the residential application that will follow This will allow us Create a mixed use scheme of possibly 350+ units of mixed sizes for all age groups Create an accessible riverside walk and park (2.5 acres) Create community facilities Create a managed quality housing product Together we can Create a build to rent development with neighbourhood facilities (crèche, small shops and neighbourhood enhancing facilities) on a managed basis to the affordable sector.

4 Rezoning Request We have requested part of the site to be rezoned from Z6 to Z1 (industrial to residential) with the riverside green land remaining. The DCC Chief Executive is minded to propose this rezoning and has initiated the variation process  as provided for under Section 13 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). In terms of next steps in the variation process, see below: The various reports (Appropriate Assessment Screening and Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening) are currently being prepared by DCC and notice and copies of the proposed variation will be sent to consultees; Publication of notice of variation in newspaper (anticipated next week) 4 weeks for written submissions/observations - Anticipated timeframe w/c 11th December Not later than 8 weeks after publication after the newspaper publication, the manager prepares his report and will submit to the members for consideration Members consider the proposed variation and managers’ report (not later than 6 weeks after submission) Members make the variation, with or without modifications, or they may refuse to make it. Could hopefully result in a rezoned site in February 2018

5 Development Strategy Have the site rezoned as soon as possible
Lodge a full planning application for a dense and affordable housing scheme in Q1 2018 The proposed development will be one of the first under the build to rent planning legislation and we aim to make a real and positive contribution to the housing crisis, the community and the local economy. This will be a housing scheme that is available for normal people to rent on long terms at reasonable rents, allowing them to develop their lives and those of their families The strategy is to create affordable housing rapidly for a broad spectrum of people in a variety of housing types from duplex town houses to small single one person units. The scheme will make use of the great transport links and the close proximity to the city centre and be as sustainable as possible promoting public transport, car clubs and cycling. We are confident we can make a great place to live and enhance the locality from a site that has been vacant for a considerable time.

6 Plans of the Ambition

7 Images of the Ambition

8 Images of the Proposed Development …..

9 Images of the Proposed Development

10 How the Park forms an Important part of the Development and community

11 Creation of a new Park enhancing the community

12 Win Win Situation This is an ambitious plan and will be one of the first schemes brought through planning under the build to rent planning regime It is our aspiration to create a great place to live for normal people, this will be a mixture of social housing and affordable all rented to the occupiers. The leases will be on longer tenure so occupiers can develop their lives and those of their family’s without the need to worry about housing. Great Secure and Managed place to live for single people and families Community facilities for the entire community. Creche and other facilities on site for everyone to use. Extension of the linear park with facilities like riverside seating, bandstand, function area and playground. This will be a managed day time park. Creation of much needed affordable housing and 300+ local jobs in construction and over 50 jobs permanently on site. Working together we are hopeful of starting on site late 2018 with first occupation in 2019

13 We need your help and support
We would ask for your continued support developing a housing product on this site that will help normal people have a better life The site under its current industrial zoning would be detrimental to the neighbourhood and it is in no ones interest industrial use returns to this site. The benefits of developing this as a housing site are considerable including: Housing Employment Facilities for everyone Linear Park Good for local businesses Excellent PR for DCC and for councillors Sustainable development in a great location Mixture of unit sizes and types caters for the widest spectrum One of the first and bigger build to rent applications under the new legislation that will have a real effect at helping those in most need of housing With your help and support we can do something really special here

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