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MECS 102: Introduction to Media Studies

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1 MECS 102: Introduction to Media Studies
Early Film: Lecture 4

2 Siegfried Kracauer: The Two Tendencies of Early Film
The Realistic Tendency The way the technology of the camera objectively reveals the physical world How do films surpass photography in this regard? capture moving images - reality was defined by objective movement outside of the camera at first later developments - led to camera mobility and editing to create a sense of reality time and space are manipulated to maintain a sense of reality staging used as an intermediary function between camera mobility and the objective capturing of movement Main proponents: Louis and Auguste Lumiere Highlighted the potential of film to develop photography into a means of storytelling Films recorded a moment in time, a memory, history “nature caught in the act” Believed that film was a “scientific curiosity” and offered no opportunity for real art

3 Siegfried Kracauer: The Two Tendencies of Early Film
The Formative Tendency The use of film as an artform to express a filmmaker’s imaginative ideas Differs from photography: no restriction in the area being filmed –not just a case of physical reality in front of the camera. attempts were made to film history and fantasy as well Two types of composition: the story film and the nonstory film. Characteristics of the formative tendency: Disengaged creativity Several dimensions of composition Emphasis is barely on physical existence Main proponent: Georges Melies realistically staged topical events found more purpose for staged illusion catered to a different audience tastes extended the possibilities of the medium

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