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Classroom support 2019 Report & request

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1 Classroom support 2019 Report & request
Al Powell - Classroom Support

2 What does classroom support do?
Maintain CSU General Assignment classrooms to function 365 days a year Repair and college and department classrooms on a billing basis (they pay for equipment and labor) Consult with architects and planners on AV systems in all new buildings. Assure classrooms meet CSU design standards Funding: UTFAB is the primary source of funding for GA room upgrades and refreshes Classroom Review Board provides baseline funding for maintenance

3 Wild card in 2017-18: The Stadium (Just when you thought it was safe to plan work for 2018….)
Limited access to classrooms until last night before fall classes Major commitment during fall term Many hours spent fixing things left undone Many projects delayed to keep stadium operating Room refreshes waited on Stadium issues Most issues are settled, still have Crestron programs to update, Echo hardware and shade controls to install

4 UTFAB room refresh status, FY 2018
Done - 22 Remaining-6 General Assignment Classrooms Room Capacity ANATOMY-ZOOLOGY (ANAZO) E112 56 AYLESWORTH (AYLES) 106 & 108 C111 164 EDDY (15 rooms completed) 109 30 Education 236 32 ENGINEERING 120 100 PHYSIOLOGY 103 98 SHEPARDSON 102 49 118 90 47 212 88 VISUAL ARTS (ART) F101 97 Microphone updates each Green background = work completed

5 Report: Classroom Support FY 2018 UTFAB budget
Budget for FY 18: $209,709 Equipment and labor billed: $155,788 Balance remaining: $53,921 Balance will be spent finishing 2018 work delayed by stadium and scheduled for summer 2018.

6 Snapshot of fy 2019 room REFRESHES
General Assignment Classrooms - 25 AYLESWORTH C111 CHEMISTRY (CHEM) A101 A103 B301 CLARK A206 EDUCATION 11 1 8 2 13 ENGINEERING B2* B3* B4* D102 E104 E202 E203 E206 SCOTT ENG Scott 229 Scott 231 FORESTRY (FRSTY) 1 107 GLOVER (GLOVR) 2 130 JOHNSON HALL 120* 220* PATHOLOGY (PATH) 2 101

7 FY 19 Classroom refresh request
Equipment from worksheet: $213,995 Labor from worksheet: $44,099 FY 19 Classroom Support total request: $258,094

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9 Echo360 report and request for FY 19

Fy 18 report UTFAB re-allocated $20,588 from FY 17 for purchase of Echo Pod recorders and installation (12 total) $18,000 for 10 Pod recorders $2,588 for installation labor 3 Stadium rooms are completed 5 Walnut rooms completed (3 to go) SCHEDULED FOR MAY/JUNE 2018

11 Supplemental request FUNDED FOR fy 18
Echo Pod recorders: Equip six Stadium rooms: $11,000 Warner building & Animal Science auditoriums: Camera, Echo Pod: $8,000 Labor: $4,000 Funded: $23,000 STADIUM SCHEDULED FOR MAY/JUNE – WARNER/ANIMAL SCIENCE IN FALL/WINTER

12 Increase in echo usage Average usage in Spring/Fall : hours/week Average weekly usage Spring 2018: 300 hours/week Classroom Support, CRB and CSU Online encourage Echo use

13 Classroom review board support
Classroom Review Board sets policy for all GA classrooms. CRB is funding new Echo installations on 2nd floor Clark Building: rooms CRB is funding Echo in Micro A101 CRB is funding $7,000 to remove old Smart boards in Clark A206 and BSB 131

14 Echo 360 FY19 Projected costs:
Echo License $85,000.00 Echo Bandwidth $11,400.00 Additional bandwidth 2019 $11,800.00 ACNS server (2 months) $1,260.00 TOTAL COST $109,460.00

15 Echo 360 FY19 Projected charges:
Unit contributions: UTFAB $53,000.00 CSU Online $39,628.00 CSU Colleges $13,000.00 CSS Echo 2018 balance forward $4,000.00 TOTAL $109,628.00 UTFAB Request for FY 2019: $53,000

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