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Schizophrenia Get paper back from exam office.

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1 Schizophrenia Get paper back from exam office

2 AX 1 Alice Lily Chloe 4 Charlie 2 Sophie P Jordan Josh Saskia Tasher
Emily 3 Amy Ruth Max Sam

3 Bx 1 Andrei Kim Megan 2 Charlotte 3 Chloe Becki Lucy Rob Lauren Phoebe
Danni Keavy Josh Izzy Tom 4 Lydia Zac Steph Bailey katie 3 Becki Lucy Rob Lauren Phoebe

4 Fx 1 Remy Elle George Amelia 2 Emily Fran Freya Sarah 4 Mia Olivia
Beth 3 Sophie Rhiannon Alan

5 Homework: year 1 research methods
This week Lesson 1: Issues with Classification and Diagnosis of SZ Lesson 2: Paper 1 exam feedback (key term starter/example answer to each question) Lesson 3: Research methods Homework: year 1 research methods Homework – students to sit a paper each week on paper 1 (m, s.i, a and p)

6 Objectives To be able to…
Define and outline the main issues when diagnosing and classifying schizophrenia Use evidence to evaluate issues when diagnosing and classifying schizophrenia Apply knowledge of diagnosing and classifying schizophrenia to a 16 mark (discuss) exam question

7 Starter: Testing the content so far
Task… Match up the question on the left with the correct answer on the right Extension: answer the additional questions in italics to test further your knowledge of schizophrenia

8 Why would the above be issues in classifying and diagnosing SZ?
Define the following… Symptom overlap Culture bias Gender bias Comorbidity Why would the above be issues in classifying and diagnosing SZ? Extension: how would each of these issues affect the validity or reliability of diagnosing and classifying schizophrenia. Explain your reason

9 Symptom overlap You have been provided with a symptom Word Bank handout. You have 5 minutes in pairs to make sure you are familiar with all the terms Decide which of the symptoms belong to schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder or more than one. Add to your Schizophrenia, Depression or Bipolar Venn Diagram. How does what you have discovered effect the validity of classifying and diagnosing Schizophrenia? (answer Qu 1 and 2 on the validity of C and D Sz) Extension: Classify the characteristics that you have identified for depression as either an example of a behavioural, cognitive or emotional characteristic (recap of year 1 content)

10 Schizophrenia Depression Bi-polar
Affective flattening Avolition Delusions Easily distracted (difficulty in concentrating) Hallucinations Inflated self-esteem Lack of interest or pleasure Psychomotor agitation/ disturbances Speech poverty Changes in appetite (leading to weight loss / gain) Depressed mood Easily distracted (difficulty in concentrating) Inability to concentrate Loss of energy Sleep disturbance (insomnia or hypersomnia) Full or ideas/thoughts Highly talkative Increased involvement in pleasurable activities Periods of depression (low mood) Periods of mania (elevated mood) Psychomotor agitation / disturbances Sleep disturbance (insomnia or hypersomnia

11 Symptom overlap Schizophrenia & Bipolar • Delusions • Hallucinations
• Psychomotor agitation / disturbances Bipolar & Depression • Changes in appetite (leading to weight loss / gain) • Depressed mood • Sleep disturbance (insomnia or hypersomnia) Schizophrenia, Depression & Bipolar • Difficulty concentrating • Lack of interest or pleasure

12 A01: Issues Number yourself 1-3 1. Culture bias 2. gender bias
3. Comorbidity 5 minutes to research your given issue. You will be asked to feedback the following about your issue to your group: Why it is an issue in the diagnoses and classification of schizophrenia. Research that support/refute the issue How the issue effects the reliability/validity of diagnosing and classifying sz Extension: additional information is available on each table outlining further research for those of you that want to expand their knowledge further When feeding back make sure you respect each other by listening and not speaking over each other A01: Issues

13 Exam focus Discuss issues associated with the classification and / or diagnosis of schizophrenia. (Total 16 marks) Examiners feedback: Candidates need to plan their essays a little better, in order to avoid repetition and irrelevance. Many answers were poorly structured and it was difficult to follow the line of argument or identify exactly which issues were being discussed. More structured paragraphs introduced by phrases such as 'an issue is -----, 'this is an issue because ---', ’a consequence of this issue ---’, would have benefited many candidates.

14 Exam focus: Essay plan read through the model paragraph and outline the strengths of the answer (pg. 20) Using a different colour pen, improve the paragraph on page 21 Complete your own PEEL paragraph answering the exam question Switch your paragraph with your partner, identify strength and improvements (add in a different colour pen) Extension: answer the following exam question: Discuss reliability and/or validity in the diagnosis and classification of schizophrenia

15 Task 2: Co-morbidity AO1: Validity issues relate to the extent to which schizophrenia is a unique syndrome with characteristic, signs and symptoms. One validity issue is comorbidity. A03: Buckley et al have shown that sz is comorbid with other conditions which can impact diagnosis. This is an issue because it can make the diagnosis of sz difficult. This impacts the validity of the classification as depression and sz may in fact be one single condition.

16 Task 2 AO1: Validity relates to the extent to which schizophrenia is a unique syndrome with its own characteristic, signs and symptoms. One issue which impacts the validity of a diagnosis is comorbidity. This is when two or more conditions occur together (such as depression/Bipolar). A03: Buckley et al have shown that sz is comorbid with a number of other syndromes. Individuals who suffer from schizophrenia are commonly diagnosed with other conditions: Depression (50%) Substance abuse (47%) and PTSD (29%). This is an issue because it can make the diagnosis of sz difficult: e.g. it would be difficult to determine whether symptoms such as lack of interest or pleasure are symptoms of sz or depression. As a consequence, the validity of the diagnosis and classification of schizophrenia is called in to question. If conditions do occur together than they might actually be a single condition.

17 Task 4 Swap paragraphs In green pen, comment on what went well and how the answer can be improved

18 Mark scheme AO1 There are many issues surrounding the classification and diagnosis of mental disorders in general, most of which are related in some way to the idea of reliability and validity. It is acceptable to describe overarching issues as long as they have relevance to schizophrenia. However, there are some issues which are particularly relevant to schizophrenia eg the range of sub-types of schizophrenia and the difficulty of distinguishing between them. Issues include: •        The reliability of the major classification systems ICD and DSM. •        The availability of other diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia eg Schneider criteria. •        The lack of homogeneity in schizophrenic symptoms. •        The problems of labelling. •        The problem of co-morbidity. •        The problem of distinguishing schizophrenia from, for example, mood or personality disorders. •        The lack of objective tests for schizophrenia. •        The difficulty of being able to predict outcome or response to treatment. •        Cultural differences in symptom presentation. •        The question of whether schizophrenia is a mental disorder at all.

19 Mark scheme AO3 Candidates should evaluate and offer commentary on the issues they have identified for example considering the consequences arising from the issue. They could discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using classification systems to diagnose schizophrenia. For example, diagnosis might lead to labelling which causes long-term problems for the person with schizophrenia in terms of getting / keeping employment or establishing relationships. On the other hand, careful diagnosis can lead to effective treatment programmes which would, otherwise, not be offered.

20 Plenary: ABC List 10 key terms from second year Biopsychology and Schizophrenia so far this year Switch list with your partner. 1 minute to elaborate on each key term

21 Extra reading Two great websites that provide the criteria for schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder, include:

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