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Presentation on theme: "REPRODUCTIVE DISORDERS"— Presentation transcript:

Homeostatic Imbalances

2 Prostate Gland Has a reputation as a health destroyer
The prostate expands and suffocates the urethra and can make urination difficult. Prostate cancer is the 3rd most prevalent cancer in men. (slow growing, hidden)

3 Male Infertility Caused by:
Obstructions of the duct system Hormonal imbalances Excessive alcohol Environmental threats Antibiotics Radiation Tobacco Semen analysis: sperm count, motility, and morphology (shape and maturity), semen volume, pH and fructose content A sperm count lower than 20 million per milliliter makes fertilization improbable.

4 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Some infections such as Gonorrhea can cause severe inflammation called (PID) Unless treated promptly PID can cause scarring and closure of narrow fallopian tubes, which is one of the major causes of female infertility.

5 Cervical Cancer Cancer of the cervix is common among women between the ages of years. Risk factors include STDS, multiple pregnancies, and active sex life with many partners. A pap smear is a diagnostic test to screen for this slow growing cancer.

6 Breast Cancer Leading cause of death in American women.
One in eight will develop this condition. Must use self breast examination and mammograms annually.

7 Dystocia / Cesarean Section
During an extremely prolonged delivery of a baby. Oxygen to the baby is deprived and can lead to brain damage C-section will be preformed. C-section is when the delivery of the infant is made through an incision of the abdominal and uterine walls.

8 Hermaphrodites Psuedohermaphrodites and true hermaphrodites
Pseduohermaphrodites: Individuals who have accessory sex organs that do not match their gonads True: rare individuals who possess both ovarian and testicular tissues

9 Cryptorchidism Failure of the testes to descend into the scrotal sac.
In many infants born with this condition the testes will descend by the end of the first year. In not, a surgery will be preformed to lower the testis.

10 Menopause Ovarian activity stops and hormone production begins to diminish around age 50. When a women is in menopause there is no longer menstruation Women experience hot flashes as estrogen levels fall.

11 Alcohol and Pregnancy

12 Statistics The rate of drinking among women of childbearing age before they know they are pregnant is currently 53%, and half of these drinkers are binge drinkers 5,000-8,000 babies each year in the U.S. are born with full Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and how an additional 35,000-50,000 are born with Fetal Alcohol Effects. 

13 Is it really that harmful?
Similar to the Carbon Monoxide in cigarettes, alcohol freely passes from the placenta from the mother’s bloodstream to her baby’s blood. Every time the mom has an alcoholic drink her baby has one too, increasing the chances the baby will be born with Fetal alcohol syndrome, or an alcohol related neuro- developmental disorder

14 Is it really that harmful?
In a fetus’s body alcohol is broken down much more slowly than in an adults body, as a result the alcohol level of the baby’s blood can be higher and remain elevated longer then in an adults body.

15 FASDS FASD has effects that range from mild to severe such as mental retardation, learning and behavioral problems, and physical defeats. The most severe of these effects is Fetal alcohol syndrome FAS.

16 FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a combination of physical and mental birth defects. FAS is the only cause of mental retardation that is 100% preventable. 40,000 babies a year are born with FAS There is no cure!

17 Babies born with Alcohol related birth defects result from the mother drinking during her first trimester of their pregnanacy, when organs are forming. Drinking during any part of the pregnancy can cause brain damage resulting with alcohol related naurodevelopmental disorders.

18 6 week old infant

19 Other Risks Not only can drinking alcohol during pregnancy cause mental and physical impairments it can also increase the risk of having a miscarrage and premature birth. Drinking during pregnancy causes still births Shockingly binge drinking only 3 times during the first 16 weeks of pregnancy increases the risk of having a stillbirth by 56%.


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