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HMA for Science Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (CIM) using the ebRIM

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Presentation on theme: "HMA for Science Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (CIM) using the ebRIM"— Presentation transcript:

1 HMA for Science Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (CIM) using the ebRIM
profile of CS-W (ebRIM CIM) SRR Meeting 16 May 2013, ESRIN Frascati Uwe Voges, con terra GmbH

2 Why is CIM/I15 package part of HMA-S ?
CIM / I15 not in final status - although officially supported standard in HMA Lots of inconsistencies Neither OGC Best Practice nor OGC standard Finalize things before starting new… Needed for interoperability with INSPIRE discovery services Needed for the use case of deep searches: and/or… 1:n…associations…classifications… Examples: EUMETSAT PN return all services of type WMS version 1.3 operatingOn the datasets X,Y,Z which are all more recent than having a specific resolution -> typical use-case in sdi´s Simple Search use OpenSearch version for Collection Search not yet available 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

3 Summary of Activities so far
OGC Collaboration (WP5100) Resumed CIM SWG Outstanding: OGC process steps to make I15 OGC Spec / Best Practice I15 Specification Document (WP5100) Collected open issues Update of I15 EP Model + Specification Document Nearly finished – lot of work done ! I15-Package definition (XML) done Outstanding: SWG-Review, Details, Examples, Conformance Classes, ICC-update I15 ATS/ETS (WP5200) Div communications to gather latest ATS and ETS Outstanding: ATS- and ETS-Updates I15 Demonstrator Contribution (WP5310) Outstanding Project Management Kickoff+Presentation, Telcos, s, SRR-Presentation 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

4 I15 Specification and OGC Adoption (WP5100)
Redlands TC Participation: Communications with OGC RFC Process including: Resumed OGC SWG: New OGC I15 SWG Project SWG named: I15 (Cataloging of ISO19115 Metadata) Extension Package of ebRIM Profile of CS-W 1.0 Updated SWG Charter Uploaded Documents in OGC I15 SWG Project Updated Issue Tracker Items OGC communications Communication with OGC regarding charter Organized with OGC new I15 (former CIM) web page in OGC portal Communication with former CIM members Regarding SWG memebership Lots of communication with IGN and Lorenzo regarding old UML Diagrams, ATS, ETS,… 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

5 I15 Specification and OGC Adoption (WP5100)
16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

6 I15 Specification and OGC Adoption (WP5100)
Main Parts of the Specification Document done (except Examples and ATS): Imported old UML Diagrams from IGN via XMI into Enterprise Architect Revised all UML-Diagrams Added new:Quality- and Acquistion Parameters Updated and Extended the following listings in the spec: Classification Schemes Slots Associations Data Dictionary: updated, extended ISO2RIM-mappings: updated, extended, unnecessary overhead dropped Updated the whole document: included requirements (alignment with OGC Policies) I15-Package definition (XML) done 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

7 I15-Model I15-Model: Re-Modelled main resource metadata types
Regarding SMAAD CRs: simplification and unification of main resource-metadata types: ElementaryDataset, DatsetCollection, ServiceMetadata and Application   Better alignment with CSW AP ISO 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

8 I15-Model Correct assignments of slots, classifications and associations to the main resource-metadata ExtrinsicObjects objects Better alignment with CSW ebRIM Basic Package (BP) and the basic RIM 3.0 model (e.g. usage of slots and types introduced in the BP) Simplifications (resulting: easier filter requests), e.g. prevention (as far as possible): classification of classifications main resource-metadata ExtrinsicObjects derived from ResourceMetadata Simplified associations Dataset and Service (from BP) needed for interoperability with BP - but not integrated into I15 model makes model more complicated with no additional benefit for I15 Following example shows the difference between Filter requesting for Service operating on ElementaryDataset (with specific identifier) => old CIM / new I15 Model 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

9 Old CIM Filter - New I15 Filter
I15-Model Old CIM Filter - New I15 Filter 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

10 I15-Model Not only simplyfication, also extensions…
Included OWS9 data quality extension Better aligned with OGC “EO Product Collection, Service and Sensor Discovery using the CS-W ebRIM Catalogue”, Version: 1.0. Additional ISO elements (e.g. slots supplementalInformation, explanation,…) Included Acquisition parameters => In the following only those UML diagrams shown which diverge mainly from the old CIM spec 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

11 UML: Resource Metadata
ResourceMetadata: abstract base class of all information resource types Improved Slot assignments to better align with resource types hierarchy 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

12 UML: Keyword and Thesaurus Information
Every I15 metadata resource entry may be classified by different kinds of keywords resulting from a list of predefined or thesaurus based keyword schemes Considers CR derived within SMAAD regarding advanced thesaurus / keyword approach 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

13 UML: Data Metadata metadata resource describing data is defined by an ExtrinsicObject ElementaryDataset or a DatasetCollection both derived from the abstract ExtrinsicObject DataMetadata DataMetadata is also having an association to the Dataset ExtrinsicObject defined in the BP (just for BP alignment). 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

14 UML: Service Metadata metadata resource for service metadata is defined by ExtrinsicObject ServiceMetadata derived from the ExtrinsicObject ResourceMetadata having an association to the ServiceOperation ExtrinsicObject having an association to the ebRIM Core Service RegistryObject (and so to additional information defined in BP). 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

15 UML: Application Metadata describing application metadata is represented by an ExtrinsicObject Application 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

16 UML: Data Quality metadata resource may have quality information assigned described by the ExtrinsicObjects DataQuality, Lineage, Source, ProcessStep, ServiceMetadata, CitedItem and Organization. from OWS9: defined in OWS9 document OGC 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

17 UML: Acquisition Information (19115-2)
ExtrinsicObjects, Slots and Associations related to acquisition information (to support platform and instrument identifiers) 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

18 Classification Schemes and Nodes
Sample Snippets: 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

19 Classification Schemes and Nodes
(New) ExtrinsicObject Types: 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

20 Association Types Sample Snippets: 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

21 Slots Sample Snippets: 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

22 Data Dictionary Sample Snippets: 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

23 ISO2RIM Mapping ISO: metadata record is instance of class MD_Metadata (or a subclass) Each metadata record requires: creation of MetadataInformation ExtrinsicObject to handle information related to the metadata record itself creation of ExtrinsicObject instance derived from ResourceMetadata defined how to deduce which ExtrinsicObject (ElementaryDataset, DatasetCollection, Service, Application) has to be created describes mapping between the I15 EP model and ISO 19115(-2)/ metadata (ISO19139 encoded) 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

24 ISO2RIM Mapping Another example: Acquisition Information (included in ISO metadata record) to I15 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

25 I15-Package (XML) Includes the ExtrinsicObject types (nodes), association types (nodes) and classification schemes 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

26 I15 Specification and OGC Adoption (WP5100)
Next steps Upload current version into OGC Portal: I15 SWG (!?) Integration of “ISO19119 Services” Classification Scheme… provided by Lorenzo Alignment Conformance Classes / Requirements Document alignment with OGC Policies Update of comprehensive examples Update of INSPIRE Conformance Class Lots of details …(URN´s,…) Review by SWG members 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

27 I15 ATS/ETS (WP5200) Acquired latest ATS and ETS from Lorenzo and IGN
Next steps Update of I15 EP Abstract Test Suite (10-15 test cases) Concentrate on testing the I15 package not the ebRIM Spec Update of I15 EP ICC Abstract Test Suite (if required) Later Update of I15 EP Executable Test Suite Updates of IGN-F/ERDAS test cases from HMA-T Phase 2 Concentrate on testing the I15 package 10-15 test cases Syntax of the CTL-scripts will be based on the latest OGC CITE TEAM ENGINE made available by Task 8 (I51) Update of I15 EP ICC Executable Test Suite 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

28 I15 ATS/ETS (WP5200) CIM EP ETS to be executed with the TEAM Engine against an updated version of the Buddata CIM EP reference implementation. test results will be reported (HMA-S.CTR.D ) If problems occur - CTL scripts (and possibly CIM EP specification) will be updated or Intecs will be informed to change reference implementation CIM EP ICC ETS exe-cuted by TEAM Engine against HMA CIM EP Bridge Test results will be reported. If problems occur in CTL scripts the CIM EP ICC spec and/or bridge implementation will be adjusted. 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

29 I15 Demonstrator Contribution (WP5310)
Not started yet Outstanding: Update CIM2INSPIRE Bridge (developed in the SMAAD project) to changes of I15 EP ICC Bridge be installed in front of the EUMETSAT ProductNavigator which provides an INSPIRE_DS Server Bridge used by demonstrator client and TEAM Engine (for testing) No paper work, update of Demonstrator client done by SPB Available in a google code repository: Project: discovery-vs-hma-collection-discovery/ Subversion: 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

30 Questions + Issues What was the reason for further support SOAP 1.1 ? (only 1.2 supported in ebRIM base spec) Looking for latest ETS: got one from Lorenzo but I´m not sure if it is the latest. ATC in spec document of CIM not aligned with ETS… Not clear how to define the slots in the Package Description. Does anyone have a sample showing this ? 16 May 2013 HMA-S SRR

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