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Published byJürgen Brauer Modified over 6 years ago
Recent results from exclusive ppppe+e- reactions with HADES
Side View START Béatrice Ramstein Institut de Physique Nucléaire France
High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer experiments at GSI
Main goal: search for vector meson medium modifications in 1-2 AGeV range Side View START Why elementary reaction experiments? Reference for heavy-ion measurements Test of models in « vacuum » conditions Selectivity to different dilepton sources (exclusive channels) 30’’ Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
Outline Introduction: motivations of HADES experiments
in elementary reactions Discussion of recent HADES pp and dp (quasi-free pn) data E=1.25 GeV, E=2.2 GeV Exclusive hadronic processes (, production) Inclusive dilepton production Exclusive leptonic channels: ppppe+e- Conclusions - perspectives of pion induced reactions Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
HADES 2nd generation dilepton spectrometer Side View FW < 7°
START Acceptance: Full azimuth, polar angles 18o - 85o Pair acceptance 0.35 Particle identification: RICH, Time Of Flight, Pre-Shower (pad chambers & lead converter) ( also MDC (K)) Trigger: 1st Level: charged particle multiplicity (~10 kHz) 2nd Level: single electron trigger (~2.5 kHz) Momentum measurement Magnet: ∫Bdl = Tm MDC: 24 Mini Drift Chambers Leptons: x~ 140 per cell, p/p ~ 1-2 % M/M ~ 2% at peak FW < 7° Consists of 6 sectors, Regarder slide de Gosia. Pair acceptance de DLS? 1’10 tot 8’10 Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
HADES results in C+C reactions at 1 and 2 AGeV
HADES data G.Agakichiev et al., Phys. Rev. Lett 98, (2007) N IQMD C+C 2 A GeV HSD 1/Np0dN/dM Me+e- (GeV/c2) M.Thomere et al. PRC75,064902(2007) G. Agakishiev et al., PLB 663 (2008) 43 M. Sudol PhD E.Bratkovskaya et al. NPA 807(2008)214 dilepton spectra reproduced by different transport models with no (or small) medium effects end of DiLepton Spectrometer puzzle but with different yields for the individual dilepton sources ! specific role of NN NNe+e- (Bremsstrahlung) Ne+e- (Dalitz decay) 1’ Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
NN Bremsstrahlung and Dalitz decay
NN NN* NNe+e- Ne+e- (BR from QED = not measured ) nucleon graphs graphs Mee(GeV/c2) q2 = M*2 > 0 N N, Quantum interference Time-Like electromagnetic form factors Effects of VDM formfactors Kaptari&Kämpfer, NPA 764 (2006) 338 1’30 no FF pp dominated by graphs nucleon graphs (Bremsstrahlung) larger in pn than in pp collisions
Elementary reactions measured by HADES
Dalitz decay : pp E=1.25 GeV NN Bremsstrahlung: dp (pn) E=1.25 AGeV °, production pp E= 2.2 GeV /ω production: pp E= 3.5 GeV E< production threshold HADES Forward Wall 2 m Specific instrumental tools: LH2 target, p/d beams, Forward Wall d spectator proton 7 m ( 0.5–7) Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
Step 1: hadronic channels
pp elastic scattering tracking, efficiencies, resolutions pppp°, pppp consistency of hadronic and leptonic reconstructions pppn+, pppp°, pppp check of resonance model ( dilepton cocktail) Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
exclusive pion production channels measured by HADES
absolute normalisation from elastic scattering good agreement with resonance model Teis et al. ZPA 356(1997) refinements in both isospin channels Consistent picture at E=1.25 GeV and 2.2 GeV important check for dilepton analysis (° and resonances are dilepton sources !) T. Liu et al. arXiv: [nucl-exp] PhD IPN Orsay Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
and production : acceptance corrected results
production: 1 exchange decay: cos2 pp pn+ + angular dist. in (+ ,p) ref. frame pp pn+ Neutron angular distribution in CM p n D++ qn p+ D++ qp+ p Total cross sections compared to systematics pppp Erreur sur sec. Eff eta Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
Step 2: inclusive e+e- analysis
Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
Results for pp reaction at 1.25 GeV
PLUTO ROOT-based event generator I. Fröhlich et al, arxiv: ; I. Fröhlich et al,arxiv: resonance model: Teis et al. Zeit. Phys.A356(1997) refinements ° Dalitz decay ° = 4.5 mb branching ratio ° →e+e- 1.2 % Dalitz decay : =3/2 ° = 6.75 mb branching ratio →Ne+e- (QED: ) Time-like N- transition electromagnetic form factors subm. to PLB [nucl-ex] Iachello and Wan 0.6m2 GM(q2) D+ p e+ e-- * q2 = M2inv(e+e-) = M*2 > 0 GM(0)~3 Faire une animation, enelver OBE Resonance model results: ° Dalitz Dalitz)+ effect of Iachello FF Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
two component model: fit of parameters to existing data
elastic nucleon form factors 4 parameters a2, , g8 ,v N- magnetic transition form factors 2 additionnal parameters: a’,g10 best fit a’/a= 1.27 g10/g8=1.28 GMp/pFd GMN-/3GD GEp /Fd 30 ’’ (tot 12’05) GMn /nFd GEn Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
Quasi-free « pn » dilepton spectra
Comparison to resonance model ° Dalitz decay ° = 8.6 mb branching ratio ° →e+e- 1.2 % Dalitz decay : =3/2 ° = 12.9 mb branching ratio →Ne+e- (QED : ) New features with respect to pp reactions: participant neutron Fermi momentum ( Paris potential) contribution subm. to PLB [nucl-ex] Dalitz ° Dalitz Dalitz (BR ~ ) + + effect of Iachello FF Ne mettre queresonance model Additionnal sources with respect to pp? NN Bremsstrahlung is absent !! Check with full One Boson Exchange calculations Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
pp/pn reactions at 1.25 GeV:
Comparison to simulations with OBE differential cross sections : R. Shyam & U.Mosel, PRC67 (2003) L.P. Kaptari, B. Kämpfer, NPA 764 (2006) 338 Kaptari & Kämpfer Shyam & Mosel Faire une animation, mettre seulement OBE pp OK with Shyam & Mosel overestimated by K&K HADES np data: a new puzzle ?? Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
Step 3: exclusive ppppe+e- analysis
Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
exclusive analysis : ppppe+e- at 1.25 GeV using pe+e- events (i)
pppe+e-X missing mass MX Selection of ppppe+e- channel is efficient mp simulation HADES data MX(GeV/c2) Mee>140 MeV/c2 preliminary B.Ramstein Hadron 2009 proceedings Dilepton mass distribution in very good agreement with ° and Dalitz decay consistent with inclusive dilepton analysis pp p+ppe+e- ppp+pp°ppe+e- 200 events for Me+e- > 140 MeV/c2 preliminary 0.2 Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
exclusive analysis (ii) ppppe+e- at 1.25 GeV
reconstructed by (p,e+,e-) Mee>140 MeV/c2 No acceptance corrections ! preliminary (p,e+,e-) invariant mass (GeV/c2) 2 indistinguishible protons (p1,e+,e-) p p2 e+ D+ q2=M2inv(e+e-)=M2* 1 e- (p2,e+,e-) acceptance corrected simulation of production + Dalitz decay (cf hadronic channels) cos(CMpe+e-) preliminary dominance of ppp + p pe+e- room for pp Bremsstrahlung contribution? Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
exclusive analysis ppppe+e- at 1.25 GeV: helicities
Dalitz decay: + p g* pe+e-: only transverse g* (if Coulomb interaction is neglected) helicity angle * N e+ e- Helicity angle distributions * e+e- d/dΩe~ 1+cos2 True helicity from pe+e- events: * in ref. frame acceptance corrected fit 1+B cos2 B=1.110.32 cos preliminary First measurement of Dalitz decay! Dalitz decay branching ratio in agreement with QED value ( ) within ~20% Helicity angle distribution consistent with 1+cos2 Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
pp pp e+ e- at 2.2 GeV: an “easier case” exclusive reconstruction p°,h ge+e-
ppe+e- detected + miss.mass cut Comparison with resonance model Teis et al, ZPA356 (97) 421 D1232 N1440 N1535 D1600 acceptance corrections p/h g g* ge+e- Helicity distributions g* e+e- d/dΩe~ 1+cos2 agrees with QED predictions and analysis check for case !! Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010 20
Outlook: future HADES experiments
Actual upgrade of HADES Medium effects with Heavy systems (Ag+Ag E=1.65 AGeV, Au+Au E=1.25 AGeV) Perspectives of pion beam experiments ( > 2011) GSI pion beams p~ GeV/c second resonance region expected intensities 106/s acceptance p/p =8% Dilepton spectroscopy in A AND N induced experiments A : medium effects N : sensitivity to coupling of vector mesons with higher lying resonances (S11, S31, D13, D33) (subthreshold / production ) HADES at FAIR: E ~ 8 AGeV Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
Conclusions: HADES experiments
Inclusive spectra in pp/pn and heavy-ion reactions: critical tests for transport models a consistent description of dilepton production in all systems is needed !! ↓ Prerequisite to medium effect investigations Ar+KCl future Ag+Ag and Au+Au reactions Not mentionned: very fruitful strangeness production program: « Deep sub-threshold - production in Ar+KCl reactions at 1.76 AGeV » PRL 103 (2009) « decay: a relevant source for K- production at SIS energies » Specificity of elementary reactions: Sensitivity to time-like electromagnetic form factors of nucleon and resonances Selectivity on dilepton sources ( Dalitz decay, Dalitz decay, production,…) Very new ppppe+e- exclusive analysis ! First measurement of Dalitz decay helicity distributions to be investigated in dp and heavy-ion reactions perspectives of pion beam experiments ( 2011) Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
The HADES Collaboration
Cyprus: Department of Physics, University of Cyprus Czech Republic: Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic France: IPN (UMR 8608), Université Paris Sud Germany: GSI, Darmstadt FZ Dresden-Rossendorf IKF, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt II.PI, Justus Liebig Universität Giessen PD E12, Technische Universität München Italy: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Milano Poland: Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University of Cracow Portugal: LIP-Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas Russia: INR, Russian Academy of Science Joint Institute of Nuclear Research ITEP Spain: Departamento de Física de Partículas, University of Santiago de Compostela Instituto de Física Corpuscular, Universidad de Valencia-CSIC 17 institutions members Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010 23 23
Thank You Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
pp allows to dicriminate
pp/pn reactions at 1.25 GeV: transport model calculations pp allows to dicriminate among models HADES np data: a new puzzle ?? Faire une animation, mettre seulement OBE HSD: E.Bratkovskaya et al.NPA 807(2008)214 IQMD: J. Aichelin et al. Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
Experimental tests of quasi-free (p,n):
Spectator tagging is under control p momentum in d reference frame - QF simulation Note: absolute normalization! M < 140 MeV/c2 M > 140 MeV/c2 Scaling factor for massive pairs d/dp - QF simulation Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
DiLepton Spectrometer data (Berkeley
Shekter et al. RQMD E. Bratkovskaya and W. Cassing nucl-th: Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
DLS puzzle solved by new calculation of NN Bremsstrahlung ?
Maybe, but a lot of contradictory calculations are pretty good too …. RQMD: E.Santini et al BUU Barz et al. C+C 2 AGeV UrQMD Bleicher et al. IQMD Thomere et al. Dalitz pn HADES data: Phys Rev. Lett 98 , (2007) pn Bremsstrahlung and Delta Dalitz decay are important issues for understanding intermediate mass dilepton yield Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France GDR 2010
Analysis steps : one example
Forward Wall (np selection): 1. Mult > 0 2. search for particle with 1.6 GeV < p < 2.6 GeV (e+,e-) pair cuts: 1. track and ring quality 2. identification 3. background rejection cuts 4. openangle > 9°. Combinatorial background: like sign pairs efficiency corrections: preliminary NCB=N++ + N-- Note: ~1500 pairs above ° Nice S/B ratio normalisation by elastic scattering measurement
Role of resonances in dilepton production at 1-2 AGeV
° Dalitz decay: ° e+e- (BR ~ 1.2 %) R N° , (1232) , N (1440)… Dalitz decay: e+e- (BR ~ 0.6 %) N(1535) p /ω vector meson production N(1520) /ω N , ….. /ω e+e- Dalitz decay of baryonic resonances: Both are linked through electromagnetic form factors (1232) Ne+e- (BR ~ ) not measured ! Faessler et al. RQMD + NN Bremsstrahlung NN NN* e+e-
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