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Perl Chapter 4 Arrays.

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1 Perl Chapter 4 Arrays

2 foreach loop Iterative statement to process array elements
control based on number of elements in array or list literal foreach [scalar_var] (list_literal or array_name) { } [scalar_var] optional $_ used [scalar_var] local to the loop

3 examples foreach $age { $age++; } #age is now undef $sum=0; foreach $index (0..99){ $sum += $list[$index];

4 list operators reverse - @rnames = reverse @names;
sort @sorted_names = list of numbers sorted as STRINGS Chapter 6 talks more about sorting

5 split function opposite of join
takes strings apart – assigned to array often split /pattern/, expression, limit where /pattern/ is a regular expression

6 split /pattern/, expression, limit /:/ “lsk:jfkd:skld:”
absent is whitespace $stringVar // $_ splits into individual characters @chars=split //, “kumquats”;  “k”, “u”, “m”, “q”, “u”, “a”, “t”, “s”

7 limit specifies max number of substrings to produce
$line=<STDIN>; type in Bobby Sue Jones ($fname, $mname, $lname)= split / /, $line; or ($fname, $mname, $lname) = split $line; limit specifies max number of substrings to produce @fruit=split /,/, apples,grapes,pineapples,bananas”, 3; results in @fruit  (“apples”, “grapes”, “pineapples,bananas”) /pattern/ can get quite complex  Chapter 7

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