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5 Themes of World History

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Presentation on theme: "5 Themes of World History"— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Themes of World History
S.P.I.C.E. 5 Themes of World History

2 What does SPICE stand for?
S – Social P – Political I – Interaction C – Culture E – Economics

3 Social Development and transformation of social structures Lifestyle
Gender roles and relations Family and kinship Racial and ethic constructions Social and economic classes Inequalities

4 Political State-building, Expansion, and Conflict Leaders and Elites
Political structures and forms of governance Empires National and nationalism Revolts and revolutions Regional/Global Structures

5 Interactions Interactions Between Humans and Environment
Geography (location, region, climate, natural barriers) Demography and disease Migration Patterns of settlement Technology

6 Cultural Development and Interactions of Cultures Religions
Belief Systems, philosophies, and ideologies Science and technology Arts and architecture

7 Economics Creation, Expansion, and Interaction of Economic Systems
Agriculture and pastoral production Trade and commerce Labor systems Industrializations Capitalism and Socialism

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