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Michael Bukrinsky, M.D., Ph.D.

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1 Michael Bukrinsky, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Vice-Chair Laboratory of Molecular Virology Department of Microbiology, Immunology & Tropical Medicine (202)

2 HIV-1 Nef induces redistribution
of the main cholesterol transporter, ABCA1 control Nef

3 Anti-HIV activity of cholesterol efflux-stimulating drugs

4 Studies of HIV nuclear import
Nuclear membrane vicinity (Perinuclear area) MT organizing center (MTOC) Aggresome Proteasomal degradation p p p p p p _ LEDGF /p75 p HMGA Rearrangement of RTC proteins Transport toward MTOC Termination of Reverse transcription p p p p p p p + ? ? p ? _ p p ? + Binding of importins p Importin-β p p Importin-7 Importin-α p p p p p p p _ + Central DNA flap Transport toward NPC Importin-α/β MT Nuclear pore Complex (NPC) Nuclear import Nuclear envelope Cytoplasm Nucleus

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