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Dr. Sandra Cruz-Pol and Dr. José Colom-Ustáriz

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Sandra Cruz-Pol and Dr. José Colom-Ustáriz"— Presentation transcript:

1 CASA Off-The-Grid (OTG) & NSF MRI TropiNET radars: UPRM Weather Radar Network
Dr. Sandra Cruz-Pol and Dr. José Colom-Ustáriz Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept. UPRM

2 Problema Real Presentation Title December 26, 2018 “There is insufficient knowledge about what is actually happening (or is likely to happen) at the Earth’s surface where people live.” [National Academy of Sciences, 1998] Cayey NWS radar Mayaguez Speaker Name 2

3 Waterspout – Mayaguez Bay, Sept 2005

4 UPRM Radars Two NSF projects:
CASA- (NSF ERC) (Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere) – P.I.- Dr. Sandra Cruz-Pol radares Banda-X with solar-backup : OTG & EWR TropiNET (NSF MRI)– P.I. Dr. José Colom-Ustáriz Radares polarimétricos, Doppler, X-band P.I.= Principal Investigator

5 Note the improved Resolution of one Note the improved resolution UPRM Radar UPRM Radar These are upper layers These are upper layers NexRad NexRad

6 Student-Led Radar Test Bed Supports the
Central American and Caribbean (CAC) Summer Games July 17th – August 1st Mayagüez, PR Contact: Jorge Trabal José Colom

7 OTG Radar @UPRM Magüe OTG2 EWR OTG= Off-the-Grid Radar Nodes
Solar Power back-up system Wireless Point-to-Point Link Communication EWR

8 OTG1 (4KW) OTGs OTG1 (4KW) OTG2 (25KW)

9 The EWR radar at CROEM: solar powered
EWR is now at UPRM on top of Stefani Bldg Photovoltaic system -designed for EWR, & OTGs. Can be used as back-up or 8-continous hrs of operation

10 OTG installation at Cornelia
Radar troubleshooting at CID (UPRM)

11 OTG1 OTG2 Jul 2010 Merged Data Plots

12 Jul 17, 2010, CAC Inauguration Day

13 UPRM TropiNET UPRM has the NSF MRI TropiNET ($1.8M) for the establishment of a DCAS 3-radar network on the west of the island. Doppler Polarimetric X-band (non Radar sites: Lajas, Isabela, Cornelia

14 UPRM Weather web site

15 ¡Gracias!

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