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Pocni razumijevati Kur’an & Namaz
Kratki Kurs Pocni razumijevati Kur’an & Namaz – Najlaksi nacin Lekcija Br. 2 (Uvod) Provjerite da li ste instalirali fontove poslane u mejlu ili posjetite website I skinite ih odatle.
U ovoj lekciji… Kur’an: 1 Ajet; 2 Hadisa
Gramatika: on, oni, ti, vi svi… Edukativni savjet : Ti imas mocan mozak! With intention, Du’aa, and then support of Allah… NO PROBLEM INSHA-ALLAH.
Ciljevi Objave Razmisljanje o ajetima... u arapskoj verziji.
Potrebno je razumjeti Kur’anski arapski A to je takodjer lahko…
Kur’an se ne moze prevesti
Primjer: (Koristit cu neki drugi jezik! Izabracu Urdu jezik u ovom slucaju): Kaise kaise aise waise hogaye Aise waise kaise kaise hogaye Kad se ovo ne moze prevesti, pa kako bi mogao Kur’an? How how this that became This that how how became!!! When human composition can not be translated, then how can Allah’s words be? Tranlsation is what a human (whoever he is) understood from Al-Qur’an and expressed in his language. That is why we don’t find much force..
Kur’an je Kur’an samo na arapskom!
Znaci sta? Iako ste procitali prijevod Casnog Kur’ana 100 puta jednostavno receno uopce ga niste procitali!!! Kur’an je Kur’an samo na arapskom! Example: If an English person says: How great the poetry of Allama Iqbal is! I will ask: Do u understand Urdu? And if he says no!
Molimo zabiljezite… Mi ne negiramo sevape (10 sevapa za svaki harf koji procitate) Ne umanjujemo korist prijevoda Mi cemo nauciti arapski samo kroz prijevod. Ali prijevod nije krajnji cilj! It does not amount to degrading translations because for us translations are THE BRIDGE to reach Qur’an. MAY ALLAH REWARD THOSE TRANSLATORS WHO MADE IT EASY FOR US TO REACH TO AL-QURAN. But they are not our goals. Doesn’t mean that once you understand this way, you reach that level immediately. But you will surely enter a new world.
Poseban znacaj ajeta na arapskom
10 sevapa za svaki harf Mnogobrojna duhovna nadahnuca kroz ajete i sure. “Duhovno punjenje” Kur’anom koji prodire duboko u srce. Qur’an is the Word of Allah; Translations are works of humans. They do contain the message but they are not the words of Allah. You can not have that level of spiritual voltage in any translation.
Ucinili smo Kur’an lahko dostupnim za razumijevanje i pamcenje
Ask Evaluate Plan Propagate Get the Message I + C DPPR Check Lahko razumijevanje 1 وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ I doista (vec) Ucinili smo Kur’an lahko dostupnim za razumijevanje i pamcenje فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ (قمر: 17، 22، 32، 40 ) Pa ima li iko ko bi pouku primio? Purpose of revelation is: Tadabbur & Tazakkur. This should be done in Arabic Aayaat because Qur’an is in Arabic only. But Allah says that He has made is EXTREMELY EASY! And He is asking: Is there anyone? WE should say: O ALLAH! Here we are! We want to understand and learn. (Check-Plan-Propagate).
لَقَدْ = لَ + قَدْ لَ : doista (za naglasavanje) قَدْ : vec
Purpose of revelation is: Tadabbur & Tazakkur. This should be done in Arabic Aayaat because Qur’an is in Arabic only. But Allah says that He has made is EXTREMELY EASY! And He is asking: Is there anyone? WE should say: O ALLAH! Here we are! We want to understand and learn. (Check-Plan-Propagate). Ima potpuno znacenje tek kad dodje sa proslim vremenom
لَ : Doista (ولقد يسرنا القرآن) لِ : za (لِيدّبَّرُوا آياتہ و لِيتذكر)
Purpose of revelation is: Tadabbur & Tazakkur. This should be done in Arabic Aayaat because Qur’an is in Arabic only. But Allah says that He has made is EXTREMELY EASY! And He is asking: Is there anyone? WE should say: O ALLAH! Here we are! We want to understand and learn. (Check-Plan-Propagate).
لَ لِ وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ
لَ لِ Doista وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ Za لِّيَدَّبَّرُوا آيَاتِهِ..
وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ
دعاء احتساب پلان تبليغ سمجهو ا+ا DPPR Check Lahak za sta? Za Zikr وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ Zikr: (1) ucenje Kur’ana napamet ، (2) razumijevanje i ucenje lekcija مفتی محمد شفيع (معارف القرآن) Purpose of revelation is: Tadabbur & Tazakkur. This should be done in Arabic Aayaat because Qur’an is in Arabic only. But Allah says that He has made is EXTREMELY EASY! And He is asking: Is there anyone? WE should say: O ALLAH! Here we are! We want to understand and learn. (Check-Plan-Propagate).
وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ
دعاء احتساب پلان تبليغ سمجهو ا+ا DPPR Check Lahko za razumjeti وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ Sadasnja dova Primjer Ukasha (R). Cinjenica je da nas Allah zove… فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ Purpose of revelation is: Tadabbur & Tazakkur. This should be done in Arabic Aayaat because Qur’an is in Arabic only. But Allah says that He has made is EXTREMELY EASY! And He is asking: Is there anyone? WE should say: O ALLAH! Here we are! We want to understand and learn. (Check-Plan-Propagate).
Ne samo lahak nego i odlican posao
دعاء احتساب پلان تبليغ سمجهو ا+ا DPPR Check 2 Ne samo lahak nego i odlican posao خَيْرُكُمْ مَّنْ تَعَلَّمَ الْقُرْآنَ وَعَلَّمَه، (بخارى) Najbolji od vas (je onaj) ko Uci Kur'an i poducava nj. (druge) Student is mentioned first and then the teacher. So, another push.. Don’t stop at learning. Plan for teaching too. RIGHT NOW make Niyyah and you will get ajar. List 2 names whom you will teach. Or start at your home. It is a saying of Prophet Muhammad pbuh but actually it is from Allah. Allah is watching you; so respond now by making niyyah.
مَنْ Znacenje مَنْ Ko Ko si ti ? Ja sam onaj koji …
مَنْ Ko Znacenje مَنْ مَنْ رَبُّكَ؟
خَيركُمْ مَّنْ تَعَلَّمَ القرآن وعلّمه سَمِعَ اللهُ لِمَنْ حَمِدَه،
Djela (se vrednuju) samo
دعاء احتساب پلان تبليغ سمجهو ا+ا DPPR Check 3 Najvaznije: Namjera إِنَّمَا الْأَعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ (بخارى) Djela (se vrednuju) samo prema namjerama. Our intention is to please Allah only.
3 Znacajne rijeci إنْ، إِنّ، إنَّمَا
دعاء احتساب پلان تبليغ سمجهو ا+ا DPPR Check 3 Znacajne rijeci إنْ، إِنّ، إنَّمَا Ucicemo ove tri rijeci kroz primjere. Ako pamtis kroz primjere onda: Mozes se lahko sjetiti znacenja Mozes lahko skontati znacenje You will not mix between the meanings of one word with another Our intention is to please Allah only.
628* Ako إن شَاءَ الله Allah hoce. َ
إن الله َمَعَ الصَّابِرِين Allah je sa onima koji su strpljivi.
1297 Doista إن الله َمَعَ الصَّابِرِين Allah je sa onima koji su strpljivi. َّ َ
إنَّمَا الْأَعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ
146* Samo إنَّمَا الْأَعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ َّ Djela (se vrednuju) samo prema namjerama. َ
إن، إنّ، إنّمَا إِنْ ako إِنْ شَاءَ الله ُ
إن، إنّ، إنّمَا إِنْ ako إِنْ شَاءَ الله ُ إِنَّ doista إِنَّ اللهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرين إِنَّمَا samo إِنَّمَا الْأَعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ 2071* Our intention is to please Allah only.
قواعد – Gramatika Show the rules first.
We will use all our senses. It is called TPI or TPR. It really enhances the learning. And note that this is not limited to these 6 pronouns. It has much more to do with all the verb forms that we will learn. You have spared so much time and came all the way. Don’t listen to Shaitaan. Don’t be shy to use these directions. We are learning the words of Qur’an here. If you use them, your learning will be easier and quicker. The rule for repetition is: Teacher (Ar+Ur) – Student (Ar+ Ur) * 3 times T(Ar) – St (Ur) * 3 times T(AA) – St(AA) * 3 times (in pairs; ex: huwa, hum – huwa,hum, …)
Slijedi TPI !!! Lista od 100 rijeci je tu, ali ja vam zelim pomoci nauciti. Molim slijedite put koji vam pokazem... I pored toga sto znas, koristi to za… I could just give you that list. But you can not learn from the list. My experience! Almost 25 years ago, The I appeared the GRE exam. There we memorized 3000 words in one month.
Slijedi TPI !!! Iskoristi svoj potencijal. Ne ‘segaci se’.
Ovo je potpun metod Slijedi ga od sada… za 20,000 Ne dopusti sejtanu … Lahko! Uradicu to kod kuce. Rabb: Cherisher and sustainer. Ex: Reactions in body from food that is eaten. Ad-deen: judgment; system of life. It is a part of His Mercy that He does justice. One should not be under wrong impression that he can do anything because…
10 zlatnih skupina هُوَ، هُمْ، أنْتَ، أَنْتُم، أَنَا، نَحْنُ -هُ، -هُم، -كَ، -كُمْ، -ي، -نَا، -هَا لَِ، مِنْ، عَنْ، مَعَ، بِ، فِي، عَلَى، إِلَى هذَا، هؤلآءِ، ذلِكَ، أُولئِكَ، الَّذِي، الَّذِينَ إنْ، إنَّ، أنْ، أنَّ، قَدْ لاَ، مَا، لَمْ، إِلاَّ مَا؟، مَنْ،كَيْفَ إذ، إذا، بعد، ثُمَّ الله، رَبّ، رَسُول، كِتاب، حقّ، دنيا، آخرة، أرض، سماء، عذاب، قوم فَعَل، جَعَل، خَلَق، كَفَر، ظَلَمَ، عَلِمَ، عَمِلَ، قَالَ، كَانَ، شَاءَ، جَاءَ 35,000 or 45% TPI related: 20,000 or 25%
هُوَ هُمْ أنْتَ أنْتُمْ أنَا نَحْنُ Traffic Light On Oni Ti Vi svi Ja
Mi سبق - 8 Traffic Light Show the rules first. We will use all our senses. It is called TPI or TPR. It really enhances the learning. And note that this is not limited to these 6 pronouns. It has much more to do with all the verb forms that we will learn. You have spared so much time and came all the way. Don’t listen to Shaitaan. Don’t be shy to use these directions. We are learning the words of Qur’an here. If you use them, your learning will be easier and quicker. The rule for repetition is: Teacher (Ar+Ur) – Student (Ar+ Ur) * 3 times T(Ar) – St (Ur) * 3 times T(AA) – St(AA) * 3 times (in pairs; ex: huwa, hum – huwa,hum, …)
هُوَ هُمْ أنْتَ أنْتُمْ أنَا نَحْنُ On Praksa na 4 nacina Oni
Ti أنْتُمْ Vi svi أنَا Ja نَحْنُ Mi Praksa na 4 nacina A+Pr A+Pr A – Pr A – A ? – A Show the rules first. We will use all our senses. It is called TPI or TPR. It really enhances the learning. And note that this is not limited to these 6 pronouns. It has much more to do with all the verb forms that we will learn. You have spared so much time and came all the way. Don’t listen to Shaitaan. Don’t be shy to use these directions. We are learning the words of Qur’an here. If you use them, your learning will be easier and quicker. The rule for repetition is: Teacher (Ar+Ur) – Student (Ar+ Ur) * 3 times T(Ar) – St (Ur) * 3 times T(AA) – St(AA) * 3 times (in pairs; ex: huwa, hum – huwa,hum, …) Pravilo ponavljanja je: Ucitelj cita Arapski+prijevod (A+Pr); Student to ponovi (A+Tr). Ucitelj cita Arapski (A); Student prevede (Pr) Ucitelj cita Arapski (A); Student ponovi Arapski (A) Ucitelj pokazuje znakove; Student to kaze na Arapskom (A)
هُوَ هُمْ أنْتَ أنْتُمْ أنَا نَحْنُ 1295 times On Oni Ti Vi svi Ja Mi
Show the rules first. We will use all our senses. It is called TPI or TPR. It really enhances the learning. And note that this is not limited to these 6 pronouns. It has much more to do with all the verb forms that we will learn. You have spared so much time and came all the way. Don’t listen to Shaitaan. Don’t be shy to use these directions. We are learning the words of Qur’an here. If you use them, your learning will be easier and quicker. The rule for repetition is: Teacher (Ar+Ur) – Student (Ar+ Ur) * 3 times T(Ar) – St (Ur) * 3 times T(AA) – St(AA) * 3 times (in pairs; ex: huwa, hum – huwa,hum, …) Objasni Arapima
Ucit cemo dvojinu i zenski rod kasnije.
Samo 6 umjesto ovih 14 dolje. هُوَ، هُمَا، هُمْ، هِيَ، هُمَا، هُنَّ أنْتَ، أنْتُمَا، أَنْتُمْ ، أَنْتِ، أَنْتُمَا، أَنْتُنَّ أَنَا، نَحْنُ
Ucit cemo dvojinu I zenski rod kasnije.
Samo 6 formi umjesto 14 يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا znaci i muskarci i zene Forma dvojine dolazi vrlo rijetko Kada dodje, mozemo je nauciti brzo.
Edukativni savjet Ti mozes nauciti!
Educational tip # 1 Trebas koristiti mozak za ucenje Kur’ana! Posjedujes jedan krajnje sposoban !!!!
Savjet Br. 1 1000 celija , neurona
Za svaku od ovih celija, imamo 20,000 dendrita 1,00,000,000,000,000 veza 500 puta/sek. Imamo preeeeeevise KAPACITETA. We have to remember the meanings of new words. For that, of course we need to use our brains most efficiently. So, let us see how the brain works. This info is useful for any subject; physics, chem, maths…. 1 billion billion possible connections with other cells.
Savjet Br. 2 Mi jedva da koristimo 5% naseg mozga! Prazan je……!
To say that we can not do it is… like a person who is starving to death in a garden full of fruits. Like the one living in gold mine yet starving because he has no money!!! He has such a huge resource … unused.
Savjet Br. 3 Samo oko 3% mozdanih celija odumire kada dozivimo 60 godina starosti! Ako zaboravljas stvari u ovim godinama, to je izazvano manjkom pravilnih memorisanja. Tests have proven that if these rules are followed, then old people did perform very good. Brain: If you think you can or if you think you can not, then you are right!
Savjet Br. 4 Za mozak i misice – Neophodne su vjezbe.
Mnogo vaznije za starije ljude Koristi ga ili ga izgubi !!! Zasto ga ne koristiti za Kur’an Ucenje Kur’ana je narocito blagoslovljeno. With intention, Du’aa, and then support of Allah… NO PROBLEM INSHA-ALLAH.
Sta smo ucili u ovoj lekciji ?
11 rijeci ispod koje se ponavljaju u Kur’anu skoro 4500 puta !!! Kur’an/Hadis قَدْ، إِنْ، إنَّ، إِنَّمَا، مَنْ Gramatika هُوَ، هُمْ، أَنْتَ، أَنْتُمْ، أَناَ، نَحْنُ Edukativni savjet Prisustvo sposobnog mozga With intention, Du’aa, and then support of Allah… NO PROBLEM INSHA-ALLAH.
Budite spremni za sljedecu lekciju!
Allah te je izabrao da studiras Kur’an. Zato, zahvali Allahu za ovaj odabir i ne odustaj. سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ سُبْحَانَكَ اللهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ نَشْهَدُ أَن لاَّ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ نَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَنَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ
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