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Chapter 28 Vietnam War.

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1 Chapter 28 Vietnam War

2 Learning Objectives Understand political situation in Vietnam in 1960s
Know how US became involved in Vietnam Identify reasons why Americans were against the war Discuss the event that led to end of the War Analyze music and culture during Vietnam War

3 A Distant War Divides the Nation
France held Vietnam as a colony until Japan took it over right before WWII In 1946, when WWII was over, the Japanese had to leave Vietnam, & the country wanted its independence France had other ideas – wanted it back as a colony French fight against Ho Chi Minh & his followers - Communists

4 A Distant War Divides the Nation
Ho Chi Minh’s troops win a great battle, and French leave the country Peace Treaty signed Divides Vietnam into 2 parts North Vietnam - communist South Vietnam – democratic Elections to be held 2 years later to see who would rule whole country Ho Chi Minh takes over North, makes it communist Ngo Dinh Diem becomes leader in the South

5 A Distant War Divides the Nation
US & South Vietnam afraid communists will win the election and make whole country communists Then, all other surrounding countries may become communist – like a row of dominos Domino Theory US begins to see Ho Chi Minh as a threat to all of Asia

6 An Unpopular Leader In 1956, Ngo Dinh Diem cancels elections
He creates a non-communist country in the South US, under Eisenhower, agrees to support Diem However, Diem is not liked in South Vietnam No free speech Imprisons people who speak out against him Restricts religious practices Buddhists must become Catholic

7 An Unpopular Leader 1n 1957, people organize to fight Diem
Viet Cong – Communists in the South They join with troops in the North to fight Diem This is the beginning of the Vietnam War

8 Help from United States
After Eisenhower, Kennedy helped Vietnam by sending advisors Advisors sometimes fought The Viet Cong used guerrilla warfare Hit and run surprise attacks Diem becomes more unpopular South Vietnamese military want to depose (remove) him from office The military killed Diem and took charge of country Kennedy killed, War becomes President Johnson’s

9 The Fighting Continues
It was difficult to fight Viet Cong because many people in the South supported them Also, supplies were from the North to the Viet Cong in the South on the Ho Chi Minh Trail The Trail was partly in Cambodia Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense (head of US Military), said US could win this war, if they just sent more help (troops and money)

10 Gulf of Tonkin Incident
Aug 1964, US warship says it was attacked by North Vietnamese gunboats in the Gulf of Tonkin (coastline of Vietnam) Congress passes Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which gives President extreme powers to send troops there if US is feeling threatened in any way He doesn’t need Congress to declare war in order to send the troops

11 Bombing of North Vietnam
In 1964, Johnson wins a landslide victory in the presidential election This means people like his policies He promises US troops would not be sent to Vietnam, but also said he would fight communism Secretly, he was planning to bomb North Vietnam When 8 Americans were killed at a military base in the South, Johnson ordered the bombing to begin Over 3 years, US drops 500 tons of bomb/day on the North – only made them fight harder against US By June 1965, more than 50,000 troops in Vietnam

12 Conflict Grows US had very difficult time fighting Viet Cong guerrilla warfare – couldn’t find the enemy Used napalm & Agent Orange to clear areas – wanted to eliminate hiding areas Napalm – sticky gasoline jelly, ignites upon contact and burns whatever it touches Agent Orange – a chemical used to kill plant life (usually weeds) Millions of Vietnamese civilians were killed by these weapons – many of them were innocent By end of 1966, more than 385,000 US troops there

13 Tet Offensive Tet = beginning of Vietnamese New Year – most important holiday Celebrate for several days Both sides agree to a truce – stop fighting Troops go on holiday leave – rest & relaxation North Vietnamese troops & Viet Cong conduct surprise attack in many cities all over South Vietnam US embassy & military base in Saigon are attacked & damaged

14 Tet Offensive Even though US wins this battle after about a month, it is significant because Americans realize that the Viet Cong and North are much stronger than they’ve been told by the US government TV images of the war reinforced the belief that the US government was lying about the US winning the war This leads to less support for the War in the US Other people thought we should keep fighting communism

15 Voices Against the War Many young people (high school & college) began protesting the War The police, national guard & War supporters often clashed with them May 1970, students at Kent State University in Ohio were killed & wounded in a clash with National Guard People also began to protest the draft College students could get a “deferment” & not serve – usually the wealthy, & people thought unfair

16 Voices Against the War Poor whites and minorities (especially African Americans) were drafted People started to burn their draft cards and some left the country to avoid the draft

17 Election of 1968 President Johnson lost a lot of support
War took away money from the Great Society Johnson shocked people when he announced he would not run for president Two other Democratic candidates were: Robert Kennedy Eugene McCarthy Both were against staying in the War 2 months after Dr. King was killed, Bobby Kennedy was assassinated

18 Election of 1968 Democrats needed to find a candidate to run for president Met in Chicago for the Democratic National Convention Riots broke out between police and young people protesting the War There were many arguments inside the Convention Hall also – and all of this was televised Finally picked VP Hubert Humphrey to run Richard Nixon was chosen by Republicans He promised to end the war, and was elected

19 The War Ends After Nixon’s election, the War lasted another 4 years
In early 1969, Nixon ordered planes to bomb Ho Chi Minh Trail, which also went through Cambodia & Laos They wanted to stop supplies from coming down this Trail and Viet Cong from hiding there Bombing lasted for more than a year US government lied about it & said it was only in Vietnam

20 The War Ends Nixon announces new plan to end the war
Vietnamization – US troops would start leaving & South Vietnamese troops would take over US would only give some aid, but not troops Meanwhile, the Pentagon Papers were printed in the newspaper Secret papers that showed President Johnson was planning to send troops even when he promised not to Nixon tried to prevent the papers from being published, but Supreme Court said they could be Fighting lasted 2 more years In 1973, peace agreement was signed in Paris

21 After The War All US troops left Vietnam by March 1073
South was easily defeated within 2 years North invaded and took over the South capital city, Saigon – called the “Fall of Saigon” Vietnam was now united under communism The Veterans returning were treated badly since so many people had seen war on TV for the first time – they blamed soldiers Not until 1980s that people pay respect to the troops & created a memorial – The Wall More than 58,000 US died, and millions of Vietnamese

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