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Brief overview of Unit 1 and Beowulf

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1 Brief overview of Unit 1 and Beowulf

2 Unit Assignments For this unit please focus on the readings and activities within the lessons. There will be Quick Checks for vocabulary and grammar and a quiz based upon the readings. Discussion (U1L4) – DROPPED It will still show up in your lessons, but know that you are NOT doing the discussion. Portfolio (U1L5 )- CHANGED Look on the website for directions. You will write about yourself, not a descriptive essay. Portfolio (U1L10 )- DROPPED The whole lesson is dropped along with the final draft portfolio Unit test Multiple Choice dropped. Only do short answer and essay Remind students to use the resources on the MB under the student toolbox. Might be a good idea to show the test in class so students can see what it looks like and to make sure they are reading everything provided.

3 Elements of the Epic Beowulf
Epic poems are long, narrative poems that usually contain the following traits: They belong to the narrative genre with foundation in historical fact or legend. They have an elevated style, lofty language, and a serious tone. They tell the story of a god-like, larger-than-life hero who is courageous and noble. They recount impossible deeds such as battles against monsters and undergo dangerous journeys. They often contain supernatural elements and superhuman creatures. They begin “in medias res” or with an invocation to a muse. most famous work of Anglo-Saxon literature The poem tells the story of the epic hero, Beowulf, who is beloved and admired for his bravery, loyalty, and prowess in battle. Beowulf is so worthy that he possesses seemingly super-human abilities that help him defeat the monster Grendel. The poem contains many poetic elements of the original oral tradition and also provides great insight into the values and beliefs of the Anglo-Saxon peoples. 

4 Main Characters Beowulf Hrothgar Epic hero Geat (from southern Sweden)
Nephew of Higlac (King at story’s start) Sails to Denmark to help Hrothgar Hrothgar Danish king Builds Herot (banquet hall) for men Tormented by Grendel for 12 years Loses many men to Grendel Joyless before Beowulf’s arrival

5 Grendel’s Mother Grendel Fire Dragon Referred to as she-wolf
Lives under a lake Challenges Hrothgar when she kills one of his best men Grendel Referred to as demon and fiend Haunts the moors (swampy land) Descendant of Cain Feasts on 30 men the night of 1st attack Fire Dragon Lives in Beowulf’s kingdom Wakes up when thief steals cup Guards countless treasures

6 Looking ahead… Alarms - Make sure you are staying out of alarm
Next LiveLesson 1:30 pm Unit 1 portfolio Directions/ unit 1 test review Alarms - Make sure you are staying out of alarm Contacts: call a teacher (me!) Attendance: get 28 hours a week and enter daily Participation: go do a lesson! Always check the class Website for course materials. Do the Scavenger Hunt quiz RIGHT NOW if you haven’t yet Go sign up for actively learn Stay if you have questions.

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