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Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 $100

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1 Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 $100
$200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 1 - $100 Latin America is divided into two regions- What are the names of those two regions? Central and South America

3 1 - $200 This mountain range extends from Peru down through Bolivia and Argentina. Andes

4 1 - $300 Why are the rainforest disappearing? Answers will vary.

5 1 - $400 He mistakenly thought the Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic today) was in fact India? Columbus

6 1 - $500 What was the name of the treaty that was signed to avoid war between Spain and Portugal? Tordesillas

7 2 - $100 Spanish soldiers, who were intent on gaining wealth and converting Native Americans to Christianity, did what; Answers will vary

8 2 - $200 What is the name of the explorer who “conquered” the Incas

9 2 - $300 What is the name of the explorer who “conquered” the Aztec?

10 2 - $400 Most conquistadors came to Latin America to
Get rich or die trying

11 2 - $500 What religion traditionally has dominated Latin America?

12 3 - $100 Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, and Toussaint L’Overture are best known as Leaders of Latin American independence movements.

13 3 - $200 Which European country ruled Mexico until 1822? Spain

14 3 - $300 The first successful slave revolt in history occurred in:

15 3 - $400 As a result of the European Conquest in Latin America, much of what the Indian civilization had built was… Destroyed

16 3 - $500 What is the name of the trade between the Old and New world that included items such as goods, people and ideas? Columbian Exchange

17 4 - $100 What was one effect of the Colombian Exchange in Latin America? Answers will vary

18 4 - $200 What is the Encomendia System?
It gave Spanish settlers the right to demand taxes and labor from the people living on the land.

19 4 - $300 According to this economic system, a country’s economic strength depended on increasing gold supply and the colonies were in charge of making the parent country rich. Mercantilist

20 4 - $400 This group of people was sent from Spain and Portugal to rule in South America- they were considered at the top of the strict social system. Penninsulars

21 4 - $500 This group of people were of mixed Native American and European decent. Mestizo

22 5 - $100 Historically, which is considered the most powerful group in Latin America? Catholic Church

23 5 - $200 In 1959, Cuban President_____________________ was overthrown

24 5 - $300 ______________ is a person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another after being granted permission to do so by the government. Immigrant

25 5 - $400 __________________ is a person who has entered the United States without government permission or stayed beyond the termination date of a visa. Undocumented Immigrant

26 5 - $500 Because of the continuing problems between the United States and Cuba during the 60’s, the United States placed a(n) ________________________on Cuba stopping all trade between the two countries. Embargo

27 Final Jeopardy What is the main idea of the cartoon above?

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