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<July 2010> Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG4e Closing Report for San Diego July2010.

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Presentation on theme: "<July 2010> Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG4e Closing Report for San Diego July2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 <July 2010> Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG4e Closing Report for San Diego July2010 Date Submitted: 15 July 2010 Source: Pat Kinney Company: Kinney Consulting LLC Voice: , FAX: , Re: TG4e Closing Report for July 2010Session Abstract: Closing Report for the TG4e Session Purpose: Amendment to IEEE MAC Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P <Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>

2 TG4e PAR Scope of Proposed Standard
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> <July 2010> TG4e PAR Scope of Proposed Standard The intention of this amendment is to enhance and add functionality to the MAC to a) better support the industrial markets and b) permit compatibility with modifications being proposed within the Chinese WPAN. Specifically, the MAC enhancements are limited to: TDMA: to provide a) determinism, b) enhanced utilization of bandwidth Channel Hopping: to provide additional robustness in high interfering environments and enhance coexistence with other wireless networks GTS: to increase its flexibility such as a) supporting peer to peer, b) the length of the slot, and c) number of slots CSMA: to improve throughput and reduce energy consumption Security: to add support for additional options such as asymmetrical keys Low latency: to reduce end to end delivery time such as needed for control applications <Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC> <author>, <company>

3 Purpose of Proposed Standard
<July 2010> Purpose of Proposed Standard This functionality facilitates Industrial applications (such as addressed by HART 7 and the ISA100 proposed standards), and those enhancements defined by the proposed Chinese WPAN standard that aren't included in TG4c. This amendment addresses coexistence with wireless protocols such as , , , and <Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>

4 Meeting Goals Resolve comments from Letter Ballot 53
<July 2010> Meeting Goals Resolve comments from Letter Ballot 53 Over 90% of technical comments are resolved Approve comment resolutions and instruct editor(s) to modify draft document to incorporate changes as per comment resolution document Request WG for a letter ballot of draft <Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>

5 TG4e Meetings This Week Mtg Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday AM1
<July 2010> TG4e Meetings This Week Mtg Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday AM1 Ad hoc – DSME Comment Resolution Comment resolution AM2 PM1 Opening Mtg Comment Review/Resolution Joint Mtg w/TG4g Hopping & Coexistence PM2 Comment resolution, closing logistics <Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>

6 LB53 Results Voters 224 Voted 178 (79.5%) Yes 120 (73.6%) No 43
<July 2010> LB53 Results Voters     224 Voted      178 (79.5%) Yes         120 (73.6%) No            43 Abstain    15 (8.4%) Comments         1643 Editorial      491 Technical 1152 <Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>

7 LB 53 Comments marked Technical
<July 2010> LB 53 Comments marked Technical DSME 331 Myung Lee TSCH 226 Jonathan Simon ESOR 186 Will San Filippo/Ben Rolfe/R Cragie General 144 Pat Kinney 4G Wun-Cheol/Greg Gillooly LL Michael Bahr LE Wei Hong <Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>

8 <July 2010> TG4e Schedule Resolve comments 13 Sep 2010 Letter ballot 24 Sep 2010 Resolve comments 12 Nov 2010 Reballot 24 Nov 2010 Sponsor Ballot Dec 2010 Comment resolution & reballot Feb 2010 IEEE RevCom approval Mar 2011 <Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>

9 Conference Calls Task Group Calls are scheduled
<July 2010> Conference Calls Task Group Calls are scheduled Tuesday 3 August at 6:30 PDT, 9:30 EDT, 15:30 CDT, 22:30 Tokyo Call details are: , participant access code: SubGroup calls will also occur <Pat Kinney>, <Kinney Consulting LLC>

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