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Come Right In: The Self-Service Day Pass Kiosk

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1 Come Right In: The Self-Service Day Pass Kiosk
Maolsheachlann O'Ceallaigh Client Services UCD Library

2 Background Pre 2006: Manual entrance monitored by Facilities Staff
2006: redesign of entrance and installation of access gates

3 Sentry Access Control Supplied by Telepen (UK) 6 gates
3 exit 1 bidirectional accessible gate Using Sentry Isis Access Control Systems Based on 1 card / 1 person and uses anonymized data only

4 Forgotten cards…. And other problems
Forgotten Ucards 3 strikes etc Forgotten cards…. And other problems


6 University Developments
Introduction of UCard (smartcard technology) Single sign on through UCD Connect which is integrated with UCD Identity Management System (IDMS) Sentry communicates with the IDMS IDMS holds user data from Banner (Registry) and CORE (HR), including visitors, affiliates and alumni

7 Launched in September 2017 after preparatory work by LITS
Accessible by all users listed on the IDMS with a UCD Connect Account- e.g. current staff, students, alumni Card issued for access only Cancels the users UCard on the access gates until midnight that day (if they can locate the UCard they can still borrow) Admissions desk now focuses on external readers, SCONUL and ALCID Library Kiosk Students should know these as they have to use it every day- alumni now have account for life so the membership is tied in with this

8 The library kiosk in action


10 Can’t be used by external users with cards set up by the Library (ALCID, SCONUL, external readers etc) Possibility that user may give their login to someone else And of course….. Users can still forget their cards…. Teething problems

11 Future developments LITS and Client Services currently investigating a UCard that could be issued in the library to visitors, enhancing our service further

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