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Francesco PECCI University of Verona Maria SASSI University of Pavia

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1 Francesco PECCI University of Verona Maria SASSI University of Pavia
Is decoupling only an agricultural matter for each single EU-15 Region? Francesco PECCI University of Verona Maria SASSI University of Pavia Two authors have made this presentation one is me and the other is Francesco Pecci, the expert of the spatial approaches. With our analysis we have tried to give an answer to a quite stimulating question: GENEDEC – Verona - October 20-21, 2006

2 Importance of the analysis
Evolving interest in society understood Impact on the agricultural sector The impact on economic, social and structural variables as important to many governments Why the topic is important. The implications of decoupling are traditionally analysed with respect to the agricultural sector, particularly on its production and trade. However the CAP reform process has empahasised the need to consider the evolving interest in society concerning the role of agricultre, interest understood as important to many government. This underlines the need to understand not only the agricultural impact of degoupling but also its impact on certain politically sensitive economic … On the other side, the effects of decoupling are traditionally analysed considering the regions as isolated islands despite a wide theoretical body on the role of geographic proximity, territorial, policy spill overs. For this reason we have adopted a spatial analysis. Geograqhic proximity Regions as “Isolated islands” territorial, policy spill over Spatial dimension

3 Object Relationship between agricultural value added and agricultural, socioeconomic and structural variables What “spiral effect” among the three groups of variables? Classification of the EU- 15 regions according to an homogeneous profile Spatial effect In this context the aim of our analysis has been the classification of the EU-15 regions according to homogeneous characters in terms of the …. Different typologies of subsidies payed within the CAP. Relationship estimated taking into account the spatial effect (spill over effect) (regional interaction). The comparison between the two classifications underlines the spiral effect among the Relationship between agricultural value added and the CAP subsidies

4 Structure 1. Data set 2. Methodology 3. Results 4. Conclusions
We ha structured our analysis into four sections. First, we have selected a set of data. Second, we have defined the methodology. Than results and conclusions.

5 (Montresor, Bertocchi -Braunschweig 21-22 October 2006)
Data set (Montresor, Bertocchi -Braunschweig October 2006) Population Labour market CAP Subsidies FADN REGIO Land use Agriculture The variables selected have made reference to the data set collected within this project and presented by Montresor and Bertocchi on October this year in Germany. On the basis of the FADN and Regio data we have selected, for 164 EU-15 regions at Nuts2 and 1 level, a suitable set of variables in the area of 164 Regions: NUTS 2 and NUTS 1 Competitiveness

6 2. Methodology Geographically Weighted Regression
Spatial models estimation Relationship between AVA and: Economic and social structure; Agricultural structure; Land use; Livestocks; Total subsidies; Subsidies livestocks; Compensatory payments. Non stationary estimators The first step in our analysis has consisted in the estimation, through the GWR approach, of 7 models. Four of which concerning the relationship … and the other three the relationship of AVA and Subsidies. The non stationary estimators achieved have been at the basis of the classification of the regions in sub groups. More precisely, one cluster made reference to the non stationary estimators of first four models and the other cluster tu the last three models. Here you have the estimation of the spatial models that has also allowed us to understand the variables suitable for the analysis of the implications of decoupling, that are those resulted statistically significant. Due to time restriction I am not enter into the issue, but I’m coming back to this point in my conclusions. Cluster based on theAVA/agricultural, socio-economic and structural variables; Cluster based subsidies

7 3. Cluster analysis AVA/agricultural, socioeconomic
and structural variables AVA/CAP subsidies This slide shows the sub-groups of regions based on the relationship between … on your left side and between .. On your right side. For each cluster we have underlined the profile.

8 n. cluster agric., socio-ec. & struct. % regions cluster subsidies
AVA/agricultural, socioeconomic and structural variables n. cluster agric., socio-ec. & struct. % regions cluster subsidies 1 90% cl. 1 10% cl. 5 2 64% cl. 2 14% cl. 3 14% cl. 7 8% cl. 5 3 82% cl. 5 12% cl. 7 6% cl. 2 4 37% cl. 5 33% cl. 3 30% cl. 7 5 100% cl. 4 6 49% cl. 6 43% cl. 5 8% cl. 3 n. cluster agric., socio-ec. & struct. % regions cluster subsidies 7 69% cl. 8 31% cl. 5 8 64% cl. 3 36% cl. 9 9 100% cl. 10 10 50% cl. 5 40% cl. 6 10% cl. 8 11 50% cl. 7 44% cl. 9 6% cl. 3 AVA/CAP subsidies AVA/subsidies

9 Cluster analysis "Country effect" AVA/agricultural, socioeconomic
and structural variables AVA/CAP subsidies "Country effect" Coming back to the two clusters it clearly emerges a “country effect”.

10 4. Conclusions GWR models Cluster analysis Suitable variables for
Per-capita income Population density Employment structure GWR models Suitable variables for analysing decoupling are not only agricultural Total unemployment Long-term unemployment Female unemployment Spatial dimension Cluster analysis The need for additional variables Only partial superimposition among sub-groups

11 Cluster senza GWR Variabili socioeconomiche e strutturali Sussidi PAC

12 Avanzamenti Variabili socioeconomiche e strutturali Sussidi PAC

13 I cluster basati sulle variabili socioeconomiche e strutturali
Cluster 1 – regioni mediamente ricche, competitive, con propensione al terziario e agricoltura dedita a allevamento e cereali Cluster 2 – regioni mediamente ricche, tasso di occupazione agricola superiore a media e agricoltura specializzata in vite, ortofrutta, foraggi e allevamento Cluster 3 – regioni ricchezza leggermente inferiore a media, significativa quota occupazione agricola e industriale. Cluster 7 – regioni mediamente ricche con elevata concentrazione industria alimentare Cluster 4 – regioni a forte specializzazione in colture industriali e con significativa disoccupazione di lunga durata Cluster 6 – regioni povere con agricoltura settore importante Cluster 5 – regioni mediamente ricche, competitive, propensione attività industriale e agricoltura ricca

14 Effetti elementari della GWR

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