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Table 1 : Key Statistics for Certification, Area (hectarage), APC, Sales & Uptake * Supply and Sales figures for 2014 represent the month this data published.

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Presentation on theme: "Table 1 : Key Statistics for Certification, Area (hectarage), APC, Sales & Uptake * Supply and Sales figures for 2014 represent the month this data published."— Presentation transcript:

1 Table 1 : Key Statistics for Certification, Area (hectarage), APC, Sales & Uptake
* Supply and Sales figures for 2014 represent the month this data published *'Annual Production Capacity' = projected annual maximum volume processed by mills *'Supply' = actual volume of CSPO/CSPKO produced *'Production Area' = hectarage of area/supply base that comprises matured oil palm trees with fresh fruit bunches *'Certified Area' = hectarage of supply base/plantation that are certified which covers beyond production area i.e. immature areas (not yet producing fresh fruit bunches); non-plantable areas (swamps,slopes, etc.); infrastructure (offices; schools; employee centres, etc.); conservation area (set aside for High Conservation Value) etc. 1

2 Sum of Production Area (ha) by Year

3 Production Area (ha) by Country

4 CSPO & CSPK Annual Production Capacity (mt)

5 CSPO Supply (mt) by Country

6 CSPO Uptake (%) by Year 6

7 CERTIFICATION Principles & Criteria Certification
Certified Growers 52 Certified Palm Oil Mills 233 Supply Chain Certification Companies 628 Facilities 1278 7

8 MEMBERSHIP RSPO Members to date Ordinary Members 928
Supply Chain Associates 462 Affiliate Members 101 TOTAL 1491 8

9 MEMBERSHIP Top 10 membership by country

10 MEMBERSHIP Membership by Category

11 TRADEMARK Stakeholders Total Consumer Goods Manufacturers 71 Growers 6
Total Licensees by Stakeholder Stakeholders Total Consumer Goods Manufacturers 71 Growers 6 Processors & Traders 46 Retailers 8 Supply Chain Associate 26 Grand Total 157 11


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