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Test-Taking Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Test-Taking Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Test-Taking Vocabulary

2 Tell how 2 or more things are alike.
Compare: Tell how 2 or more things are alike.

3 Tell how 2 or more things are different.
Contrast: Tell how 2 or more things are different.

4 Sort things into groups and tell why each belongs in the group.
Classify Sort things into groups and tell why each belongs in the group.

5 Give the meaning of a word.
Define: Give the meaning of a word.

6 Describe: Tell in detail how something looks, smells, feels, sounds, or tastes. Other details may be included.

7 Evaluate: Give your opinion or cite the opinion of an expert. Tell the good and bad. Include evidence to support the evaluation.

8 Provide the detailed information about a subject.
Explain: Provide the detailed information about a subject.

9 Make clear by a picture or examples.
Illustrate: Make clear by a picture or examples.

10 Provide facts or reasons. Show how something is right or true.
Justify: Provide facts or reasons. Show how something is right or true.

11 Write the names of people, things, or steps in a process.
List: Write the names of people, things, or steps in a process.

12 A short piece of writing.
Passage: A short piece of writing.

13 Relate: Tell how 2 things are linked to each other. Tell how one causes or affects the other. Te

14 Tell the main idea of a story or informational text.
Summarize: Tell the main idea of a story or informational text.

15 Give a step by step explanation about how something happened.
Trace: Give a step by step explanation about how something happened.

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