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23rd Jan 2017 – 28th March 2017 (8 sessions)

Term / Week Jan / Feb / Mar SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 23 Jan 24 25 26 27 28 T1 W4 Swim 1: 1A & 1B [ hr] Swim 1: 1C & 1G [ hr] Swim 1: 1D & 1E [ hr] Swim 1: 1H [ hr] 29 30 31 1 Feb 2 3 4 T1 W5 CNY Swim 2: 1D & 1E [ hr] Swim 2: 1H [ hr] 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 T1 W6 Swim 2: 1A & 1B [ hr] Swim 2: 1C & 1G [ hr] Swim 3: 1D & 1E [ hr] Swim 3: 1H [ hr] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 T1 W7 Swim 3: 1A & 1B [ hr] Swim 3: 1C & 1G [ hr] Swim 4: 1D & 1E [ hr] Swim 4: 1H [ hr] We are offering SwimSafer Bronze, Silver and Gold. On Lesson 1, the instructors will assess your swimming ability before grouping you accordingly. At the end of the 8 sessions, you will receive your certification if you have successfully passed the test.

Term / Week Jan / Feb / Mar SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 T1 W8 Swim 4: 1A & 1B [ hr] Swim 4: 1C & 1G [ hr] Swim 5: 1D & 1E [ hr] Swim 5: 1H [ hr] 26 27 28 1 March 2 3 4 T1 W9 Swim 5: 1A & 1B [ hr] Swim 5: 1C & 1G [ hr] Swim 6: 1D & 1E [ hr] Swim 6: 1H [ hr] 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 T1 W10 Swim 6: 1A & 1B [ hr] Swim 6: 1C & 1G [ hr] Swim 7: 1D & 1E [ hr] Swim 7: 1H [ hr] We are offering SwimSafer Bronze, Silver and Gold. On Lesson 1, the instructors will assess your swimming ability before grouping you accordingly. At the end of the 8 sessions, you will receive your certification if you have successfully passed the test.

4 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Term 1 School Holiday 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 T2 W1 Swim 7: 1A & 1B [ hr] Swim 7: 1C & 1G [ hr] Swim 8: 1D & 1E [ hr] Swim 8: 1H [ hr] 26 27 28 29 30 T2 W2 Swim 8: 1A & 1B [ hr] Swim 8: 1C & 1G [ hr] We are offering SwimSafer Bronze, Silver and Gold. On Lesson 1, the instructors will assess your swimming ability before grouping you accordingly. At the end of the 8 sessions, you will receive your certification if you have successfully passed the test.

5 SWIMSAFER Combination of National Survival Swimming Award and Learn-to-Swim Programme Swim Safer Stage 1-3 Swim Safer Stage 4 (Bronze) Swim Safer Stage 5 (Silver) Swim Safer Stage 6 (Gold) We are offering SwimSafer Bronze, Silver and Gold. On Lesson 1, the instructors will assess your swimming ability before grouping you accordingly. At the end of the 8 sessions, you will receive your certification if you have successfully passed the test.

6 SWIMSAFER SYLLABUS Entry & Exit methods Sculling & Body Orientation
E.g. Compact Jump, Dive Entry, Standing Dive Sculling & Body Orientation E.g. Backward somersault, 60secs hand sculling, 60secs leg sculling Underwater Skills E.g. Feet first surface dive, Swim through hoops, Search and recover at depth 1.8m Movement/ Swimming/ Strokes E.g. 100m continuous swim, 200m continuous swim, 400m continuous swim Survival & Activity Skills E.g. 3min swim with shorts & tshirt, Fit a PFD while treading water, Demonstrate HELP technique Rescue Skills E.g. Perform throw rescue, Rescue a person 15m away from safety, Rescue a person 10m away from safety. Knowledge E.g. Principles of water craft safety, Recognising emergency, Principles in Rescue Requirements of Swimsafer awards. Depending on the award you are going for, there are different requirements. Entry & Exit methods Sculling & Body Orientation Underwater Skills Movement/ Swimming/ Strokes Survival & Activity Skills Rescue Skills Knowledge

7 Lifesaving 1 & 2 Preliminary modules to Lifesaving Awards such as Bronze Medallion, Pool Lifeguard Award etc. To provide an introduction to lifesaving and to develop an initial  appreciation of water safety, rescue and resuscitation skills. To improve student's knowledge and skills in lifesaving preparatory to the Standard Module

8 Lifesaving 1 To impart preliminary skills and knowledge of water safety and land-based non-contact rescues.  Introduction to basic water safety, water dangers and water rescue in swimming pool. Identify the actions of a non-swimmer and a weak swimmer. Basic land-based rescue skill such as Reaching Rescue Throwing of Buoyant Aid Rescue Wading Rescue (with buoyant or rigid aid) Accompanied Rescue. Swim 100 meters in any recognized strokes to pass the course exam. Table of requirements for achievements of various SSPA swimming awards. Picture of badges on next slide.

9 Lifesaving 2 To develop further preliminary skills and knowledge of water safety, resuscitation and land-based non-contact rescues. Introduction to water rescue, dangers of open water and applying mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to unconscious casualty (CPR). Expiry Air Resuscitation(EAR). Identify the movements of non-swimmer, weak swimmer, swimmer with limb injury, unconscious non-breathing swimmer. Land-based emergency rescue techniques such as Rope Rescue Non-Contact Tow Rescue of an uncooperative casualty scenario. Ability to swim 150 meters comfortably in any recognized strokes. Certification/ Badges for SSPA depending on the category they have chosen to be tested under.

10 ATTIRE (MALES) Preferred swimming attire for boys.
No V-cut swimming briefs Square-cut swimming briefs Triathlon swimsuit Full body suit Jammers Shortie suit

11 ATTIRE (FEMALES) Preferred attire for female students.
No V-cut swimwear. 1. Boy-cut swimwear 2. Tankini with boy-cut bottom 3. Shortie suit 4. Full body suit

12 INAPPROPRIATE ATTIRE Bikini V-cut tankini 2 piece swimsuit
Swimming briefs Swimming shorts

13 EXPECTATIONS Respect one and another.
Only MCs are accepted for non-participation All compulsory items must be brought for every lesson Punctuality. Report for PE on time, and report for next lesson on time. Care. Look out for one another and help each other. Participate. Lessons are fun and engaging if you allow it to be. Respect one another. We are all made in different shape and sizes, just like we are all made with different strengths and weaknesses. We will not tolerate anyone who makes fun of another person. Respect the instructors. They are teaching you as well as watching out for your safety. Respect the venue. We are borrowing the place from ACJC. Minimise our noise level and leave the place like how it was when you came, if not better. Do not leave your things lying around and do not touch things that need not be touched. MCs must be given to be exempted for swimming lesson for that day. Every attendance to the swimming programme is important. All items listed in the things to bring MUST be brought for every lesson. Swimming cap will issued on the 1st lesson for FREE. But, if students fail to bring the given swimming cap for subsequent lesson, they will need to PURCHASE from the instructors at a cost of $2. Punctuality. Please change into your swimming attire, during recess if your swimming attire permits. Wear your PE attire over the swimming attire. Please move quickly. After lesson, you need to change out of your swimming attire within 5 minutes. Do not waste time chatting and waiting for one another unnecessarily. Care. The swimming pool is not a place to play, it is a place to learn. Look out for your friends. If you notice anyone unwell, or struggling, please alert the instructors and teachers. Participate. Lessons are fun and engaging if you allow it to be. Be present for lesson enthusiastic to learn and the lesson will be beneficial to you. Have an open mind and learn from one another. Follow instructions and put in your best.

14 SAFETY – Pool Rules There are no Lifeguards on duty. If your instructor is attending to your friends, and you are having trouble in the water, you may be unnoticed. Always listen to the instructions of your instructors. Stay hydrated. Heat exhaustion is one of the most common injury a person gets. Just because you are wet, and in the pool, it does not means you are hydrated. Wear sunscreen to protect yourself. Pool rules. Think before you act. If you think what you are going to do, may lead to a mishap then stop.

15 SAFETY – Shallow Water Blackout
Drowning does not only occur in deep waters. Challenging your friends to holding your breath can also lead to drowning. This is known as the shallow water blackout.

16 SAFETY 1 in 5 who drown are < 14 year old.
Brain cells begin to die off after 4 minutes of oxygen deprivation and this is irreversible. 57.2% of pool diving incidents happen in water <1.2m deep. Walk at all times. Listen to instructions. Prior knowledge to swimming does not mean you are drown-proof.

17 THINGS TO BRING Swimming Attire Water Bottle. Required to purchase
from canteen if forgotten. Plastic Bag/ Ziploc Personal medication Sunscreen Compulsory Items to bring: Water bottle Swimwear Swim cap & Goggles Towel Plastic bag/ Ziploc Bags Sunscreen Medication Goggles Vendor-issued swimming cap is a MUST. To be purchased from vendor at $5 if fail to bring. 1st issue is FOC. Small Towel

18 PROCEDURE Report to School in Uniform.
If swimming attire permits, change during recess. Wear PE Attire over swimming attire. Report for PE, apply sunblock. Ensure that water bottles are filled up, and everyone is changed into swimming attire. (10mins) Walk to ACJC Pool. (5mins) Commence swimming programme (1.5hrs) Rinse and change out of swimming attire into PE Attire (10mins) [Note: No showering allowed.] Walk back to FMS(S) (5mins) Report for next lesson Snack Break Timing (please adjust at least 50min before swimming)


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