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Unit 2 revision.

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1 Unit 2 revision

2 DNA replication & PCR

3 1. Describe 4 key stages of DNA replication

4 2. Name the 3D structure of DNA

5 3. What makes up the backbone of DNA

6 4. 120 A bases & 20 G bases. The total number of DNA molecules is?

7 5. Role/purpose of PCR

8 6. Give a practical application of PCR

9 7. What happens at 60 degrees

10 8. Cooling it again allows what to bind to the specific sequence of DNA?

11 9. Why is more than one primer needed during PCR?

12 10. Eukaryotes have: Linear & circular chromosomes Plasmids only
Plasmids & circular chromosomes Linear chromosomes & plasmids

13 11. What is the role of DNA polymerase in DNA replication

14 12. Compare the leading and lagging strand in DNA replication

15 13. What enzyme joins fragments in lagging strand

16 14. Why is a heat tolerant DNA polymerase used in PCR

17 15. How many DNA molecules after 6 PCR cycles if you start with 225 molecules of DNA?

18 16. What is meant by anti parallel DNA

19 17. 3’ end is a sugar or a phosphate

20 18. Bond between complementary bases is

21 19. 200 T bases and 400 G bases = how many A on complementary strand

22 20. 2000 base pairs 400 G bases & 600 A bases on same strand
base pairs 400 G bases & 600 A bases on same strand. How many T bases

23 Stem Cells

24 21. What two processes do stem cells undergo

25 22. Name the two types of stem cells

26 23. What are plant stem cells called

27 24. Are stem cells specialised or unspecialised

28 25. What is differentiation

29 26. What is the function of adult stem cells

30 27. Describe a therapeutic use of stem cells

31 28. Why are embryonic stem cells so controversial

32 29. What is phylogenetics

33 30. What is sequence data

34 31. What is bioinformatics

35 32. What two pieces of data are needed for phylogenetic trees

36 33. What are the 3 domains of life

37 34. The more closely related the species, the ________ in time the divergence from a common ancestor

38 35. Put the following in order from earliest to latest multicellular organisms eukaryotes photosynthetic organismss Land animals

39 36. What name is given to graphs that examine differences in AA sequences

40 37. What is personalised genomics

41 38. Give two uses of personalised genomics in medicine

42 39. What can be estimated from phylogenetic graphs

43 Evolution

44 40. Agrobacterium plasmid into a plant
Vertical or horizontal?

45 41. Plants reproduce via pollination sexual or asexual reproduction
41. Plants reproduce via pollination sexual or asexual reproduction? Vertical or horizontal?

46 42. Plants reproduce via vegetative propagation sexual/asexual Vertical/horizontal

47 43. Random/non random selection a) genetic drift B) natural selection C) sexual selection

48 44. Natural selection definition

49 45. Sexual selection deliberately increases alleles that promotes ….

50 46. What type of populations are suspectible to genetic drift

51 47. Two causes of genetic drift

52 48. 4 stages to speciation

53 49. Importance of isolating mechanisms in terms of gene flow

54 50. Allopatric speciation is due to what kind of isolating barrier. 1
50. Allopatric speciation is due to what kind of isolating barrier? 1. geographical 2. ecological 3. behavioural

55 51. 3 types of selection pressure diagram and what they promote

56 52. Evidence of two different species

57 53. Formed when the range of two closely related species overlap

58 Mutations

59 54. What is a gene mutation Deletion Insertion Subsitution

60 55. Describe and give example of Point and frameshift mutations

61 56. Describe Mis sense and non sense mutations

62 57. What causes non disjunction

63 58. Give an example of hybrid vigour

64 59. Name the 4 types of chromosome structure mutations

65 Making protein

66 60. 1 gene – many proteins 2 processes to change protein

67 61. Role of RNA polymerase

68 62. 2 differences between RNA & DNA

69 63. Location of transcription.translation

70 64. The molecule made during transcription (before RNA splicing) is called the ______ mRNA

71 65. After RNA splicing the primary transcript is now called

72 66. What happens during RNA splicing

73 67. What is alternative RNA splicing

74 68. Roles of rRNA mRNA tRNA

75 68. Draw a tRNA and label the AA and anticodon

76 69. What is the role of an anticodon

77 70. Diagram of translation including AA peptide anticodon codon ribosome

78 80. What bond holds AA in place

79 81. Name a second bond that contributes to 3D protein shape on folding

80 82. What is meant by DNA having a triplet code

81 83. Name and describe the function carried out by 2 different proteins.

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