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West Solihull Locality Profile 2018.

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1 West Solihull Locality Profile 2018

2 113,000 people, 53% of Solihull population
North East West 113,000 people, 53% of Solihull population 1 in 5 aged 65+, fastest growing group. Largest number of BAME residents, including 86% of Solihull’s Asian British population Largest and most diverse area of Solihull, with neighbourhood variations in household composition, tenure and population profile Target for 64% of housing designated in Local Plan (5,600 new units)

3 Areas in Most Deprived 30%
1 in 2 people live in least deprived 20% of neighbourhoods in England But pockets of relative deprivation in parts of Lyndon, Olton & Shirley with neighbourhoods in most deprived 30%. Low levels of unemployment, benefit dependency, housing need and other signs of income deprivation in most of West Solihull But higher service demand in pockets of relative deprivation

4 Things for young and older people to do also resident priorities.
9 in 10 satisfied with area as place to live Most cohesive area of borough More than 1 in 3 volunteer 28% of people say road & pavement repairs and traffic congestion need improving Things for young and older people to do also resident priorities.

5 Premature mortality and life limiting ill health below England average
Life expectancy about 2 years longer than England average 3.6% of working age people in West receive ESA/Incapacity Benefits (5.8% England) A half of these claim because of mental health issues

6 Large Numbers of 65+ Living Alone
15% of households occupied by older people living alone Rises to over 1 in 5 in many areas Potential risk for social isolation Survey evidence suggests people know & support their neighbours Over 6,800 people in West 75 years+ with life limiting illness/disability But only 650 aged 65+ receive funded social care support 1,500 people aged 65+ provide 20 hours or more care per week

7 High Numbers SEN Pupils
The number of pupils with a SEN low, but local concentrations in more deprived neighbourhoods Very high attainment at both primary and secondary school Health of children & young people in the West is good Obesity low, but rising among year six pupils Demand for children social services lower than borough average

8 Just 12% feel unsafe after dark
Reported crime in-line with similar areas Hotspots in town centre & Stratford Road ASB lower than the borough average Vehicle nuisance largest ASB concern for residents (22% residents) Less than 1 in 10 say drugs & gangs are a problem in local area

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