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Deanery Synod Candidate – Janet Anders

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1 Deanery Synod Candidate – Janet Anders
I wish to stand for the Deanery Synod at the APCM. I have represented St Andrews on the "Pastoral and Standing Committee" of the Rickmansworth Deanery for the last three years, and I would like to continue in this role. Working with the other local churches is the focus of my interest. Therefore I will not be standing for the PCC, although I understand I shall actually be a member, and will attend if necessary at any time. We have had to include essential property improvement costs of around £35k in the 2011 budget . This was the reason for David’s appeal for increased donations at the end of So far you have responded very positively and our income is on track – please keep this up ! We are extremely grateful to those volunteers who play a major part in the smooth running of the church, and I would particularly like to mention Simon Jones who originally agreed to take on the role of Church Manager for 6 months and who is still continuing ! The PCC have decided that the time is right to press on with the long overdue refurbishment of the Lower Hall. Detailed plans are being made and we will obviously need to raise substantial funding for this to take place. Full details will be forthcoming in the next few weeks. Also, we have already mentioned the review of the Parish Share that has taken place, and we will need to increase our contribution by £20k next year. Finally … a big thank you …

2 Deanery Synod Candidate – Judith Palfreman
I have served as a deanery member for just one year as I took over from someone who retired from the post. I have very much enjoyed seeing a little of the wider picture by contact with other churches in the deanery at the meetings during the year. I feel it is healthy to be more aware of the larger family we belong to and to realise how our in house decisions affect others. So I would value the opportunity to continue in this role. We have had to include essential property improvement costs of around £35k in the 2011 budget . This was the reason for David’s appeal for increased donations at the end of So far you have responded very positively and our income is on track – please keep this up ! We are extremely grateful to those volunteers who play a major part in the smooth running of the church, and I would particularly like to mention Simon Jones who originally agreed to take on the role of Church Manager for 6 months and who is still continuing ! The PCC have decided that the time is right to press on with the long overdue refurbishment of the Lower Hall. Detailed plans are being made and we will obviously need to raise substantial funding for this to take place. Full details will be forthcoming in the next few weeks. Also, we have already mentioned the review of the Parish Share that has taken place, and we will need to increase our contribution by £20k next year. Finally … a big thank you …

3 Deanery Synod Candidate – Terence Russoff
I have been coming to St Andrew’s since 2005, love the church, and been immensely blessed by it. Since 2012 I have also had the joy of worshipping here with my wife Robyn whom I married in April of that year. Outside church, I’m a business consultant. During this time, it has been a privilege to serve the church on the Deanery Synod and PCC and in various other roles, such as leading the Bridge Fundraising team, co-leading a Net, and co-leading the Growing Leaders course. I’m passionately committed to seeing St Andrew’s flourish and believe I can make a valuable contribution towards this through continuing to serve on the PCC. I’m also standing again for the Deanery Synod because I want to see our local areas thrive and believe that working together with the other churches in our deanery is one way of helping to transform our community. My contribution since coming here, the range of outside skills and experience I bring, together with my love for and commitment to this church, equip me well for election. We have had to include essential property improvement costs of around £35k in the 2011 budget . This was the reason for David’s appeal for increased donations at the end of So far you have responded very positively and our income is on track – please keep this up ! We are extremely grateful to those volunteers who play a major part in the smooth running of the church, and I would particularly like to mention Simon Jones who originally agreed to take on the role of Church Manager for 6 months and who is still continuing ! The PCC have decided that the time is right to press on with the long overdue refurbishment of the Lower Hall. Detailed plans are being made and we will obviously need to raise substantial funding for this to take place. Full details will be forthcoming in the next few weeks. Also, we have already mentioned the review of the Parish Share that has taken place, and we will need to increase our contribution by £20k next year. Finally … a big thank you …

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