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Paimionjoki River Basin

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1 Paimionjoki River Basin
Pilot, Finland Paimionjoki River Basin Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

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3 General geography The total of the catchment area is 1088 km2
Agricultural land: 457,6 km2 (42%) Forests: 593,5 km2 (55 %) Water: 29,7 km2 (3 %) Population: in 6 municipalities. The main occupations are agriculture, small industries and services. A large percentage of the peole work in the neighbouring cities of Turku and Salo. Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

4 Hydrological system Average precipitation: 600 mm/annum; the raifall distribution is fairly even during the year. Main river: River Paimionjoki, length 110 km, the main tributary: Tarvasjoki (L = 20 km). Qm at Juvankoski: 7.20m3/s, Qmmax: 78 m3/s, Qmmin 0.18 m3/s Main lakes: Lake Painio (7,84 km2), and Lake Hirsijärvi (2,36 km2). The level of these lakes is the same and is regulated by a dam at the outlet in Hovirinnankoski Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

5 Water use Hydropower: There are 3 hydropower stations in River Paimionjoki: Juvankoski, Juntola and Askala, each with a small regulating reservoir Surface water abstraction: City of Turku: max 1.0 m3/s at Juntola Agricultural use estimated at 20,000 m3/day (daily average) during mid May –mid August Ground water abstraction: Within the basin there are 16 ground water abstraction stations supplying water for municipal use. The total amount of water pumped is around 5000 m3/day. Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

6 Parameters for Drought Indicators, Precipitation
There are 33 meteorological stations and over 300 precipitation stations in Finland, which measure hydrological factors continuously and transmit the data into the national databank online. The nearest meteorological station to the Paimionjoki basin is N:o Jokioinen (see Map 1). Together with the radar precipitation observations the data is used in the hydrological model Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

7 Parameters for Drought Indicators, Snowpack
Snowpack is measured in the permanent snow lines throughout the country during the winter. There is one snow line in the Paimionjoki River basin: Snowline Tammela, Letku (see Map 1). The measurements (snow depth, water equivalent of snow) are done manually once/twice a month , fed into the national databank and used in the hydrological model. Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

8 Parameters for Drought Indicators, Evaporation, evapotranspiration
The nearest potential evaporation measuring station (Class-A pan) is No Jokioinen. The evapotranspiration in Paimionjoki River basin is estimated by using the hydrological model. Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

9 Parameters for Drought Indicators, Soil moisture
Soil moisture is measured in six national stations and estimated in Paimionjoki basin using the hydrological model. Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

10 Parameters for Drought Indicators, Lake levels, reservoir levels, storage situations
There is only one major surface storage in the Paimionjoki River basin, i.e. the combined storage system formed by Lake Painio and Lake Hirsjärvi (the lakes are connected and at the same level). There are two lake level measuring stations in the basin: Painio, Hirsjärvi  There is also an established storage capacity curve for the lake system. The lake levels are measured continuously and transmitted into the national databank. The data is utilized in the hydrological model. Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

11 Parameters for Drought Indicators, River flows
There are 3 automatic river gauging stations in Paimionjoki River Hirvikoski Juvankoski Juntola The stations measure the flow continuously and transmit the data into the national databank. The flow data is utilized in the hydrological model. Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

12 Parameters for Drought Indicators, Ground water levels
There are no national ground level measuring stations in the basin, the nearest ones are No Lahdesuo (about 50 km South of the basin) and Oripaa (about 70 km North-West of the basin). The levels are manually measured weekly and reported electronically to the central data bank. The ground level data is utilized in the hydrological model for groundwater forecasting. The water utilities monitor the level of their own ground water abstraction wells. These measurement are reported to the authorities but are not utilized in the hydrological model  Lisää viraton nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

13 Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

14 Model and its use WSFS (Watershed Simulation and Forecasting System) is used for real time hydrological simulation and forecasting. The distribution of the model is based on the third level watershed division with km2 sub-basins. In research version 1x1 km2   grid is used. Main meteorological inputs are daily precipitation and temperature. Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

15 Simulated variables areal precipitation evapotranspiration
lake evaporation snow soil moisture surface, sub-surface and ground water flow and storage runoff, discharges water levels of rivers and lakes. Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

16 Drought Indicators (1) On the basis of run-off: at WSFS runoff maps produced by the hydrological model runoff below 0,2 mm/d indicates drought situation. This information is made publicly available in the internet through the link shown below and updated weekly. This indicator is not suitable in the winter conditions. click the measuring stations shown in the map. Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

17 Drought Indicators (2) On the basis of precipitation: during the drought period precipitaion is less than long term average minus 2 x standard deviation (Esko Kuusisto). This indicator is based on time series of more the 30 years and is obtained from the data of the national meteorological stations. Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

18 Drought Indicators (3) Locally by the water utility: the remaining available reservoir or aquifer capacity will be sufficient for less than 2 months (taking into consideration the expected recharge during the same period. This indicator is used by the individual water utilities or local authorities and is based on their observations on water levels. Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto

19 Possible Drought Indicators
Soil moisture: The soil moisture below (e.g.50 %) the normal level of that season indicates drought conditions. Information from the hydrological model. Lake or reservoir level: The water level below the average of that season (return period 20 yrs or more) indicates drought conditions. Information from the hydrological model or from direct measurements Groundwater aquifer level: The groundwater level below the average of that season (return period 20 yrs or more) indicates drought conditions. Information from hydrological model or from direct measurements Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto from the hydrological model or from the direct mearsurements

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