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Starter: open notes starter, unless you hesitate, then this will quickly turn into a closed note quiz Who was the communist dictator who took power in.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter: open notes starter, unless you hesitate, then this will quickly turn into a closed note quiz Who was the communist dictator who took power in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter: open notes starter, unless you hesitate, then this will quickly turn into a closed note quiz Who was the communist dictator who took power in Cuba? What was the purpose of the Bay of Pigs invasion? What was the result of the Bay of Pigs? At the conclusion of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Soviet Union agreed to remove missiles from Cuba. What did the United States agree to do in return? Who shot and killed JFK in Dallas? After the death of JFK, who became President of the United States? What was the goal of the Great Society. The cartoon on the right was created to describe what event?


3 Background to Vietnam:
French Indochina: French Colony French hated by the Vietnamese Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh: Leads a communist revolution for independence 1954- Viet Minh defeat France

4 American Involvement:
Domino Theory: if one country falls to communism, other Asian countries will follow

5 American Involvement:
Eisenhower: 1954- United States paying 78 percent of the French cost to fight in Vietnam Kennedy: Advisers War ( )- US officers sent to Vietnam to train the South Vietnamese. 800 in 1959, 17,000 in 1965 Supports the assassination and coup of Diem LBJ: Inherits an escalating conflict

6 Division: North Vietnam (capital city is Hanoi): Viet Minh (Communist regime) Led by Ho Chi Minh South Vietnam: Republic of South Vietnam (capital city is Saigon) Led by Ngo Dinh Diem, anti communist “puppet” Corrupt, brutal repression of Buddhists 1956: Scheduled elections to unify the country under one group. Election does not happen. US prevents election. Remains divided.



9 The 17th Parallel: Viet Cong: National Liberation Front
South Vietnamese people who supported North Vietnam Ho Chi Minh Trail: Supply route from N.V. to S.V.

10 Tonkin Gulf : (August 2-4th, 1964)
Tonkin Gulf: US naval vessels in the Tonkin Gulf Act of war- US combat vessels breached 12 mile border of Territorial waters N. Vietnamese send gunboats- fire is exchanged- no one hurt no equipment lost.

11 Tonkin Gulf Resolution
Tonkin Gulf Resolution: Skirmish gives Johnson justification to prosecute war in Vietnam anyway he wants. “sweeping war powers” given to LBJ No declaration of war, no permission needed 90 percent of American public support the resolution

12 The Truth of Tonkin Gulf:
In the first Gulf of Tonkin incident on August 2, the USS Maddox exchanged fire with three North Vietnamese Navy torpedo boats. (Four North Vietnamese sailors died; zero US casualties). The second Tonkin attack, alleged to have occurred on August 4, never happened. The Pentagon Papers contained details about the exaggeration of the Tonkin incident. Portions of the Pentagon Papers were published in the New York Times in 1971.

13 Starter: open notes starter, unless you hesitate, then this will quickly turn into a closed note quiz What European power controlled Vietnam and changed the name to Indo China? U.S. president who sent 17,000 Advisors to train the South Vietnamese. U.S. president who signed the Tonkin Gulf Resolution? Vietnamese revolutionary nationalist leader, he organized Vietnamese opposition to foreign occupation, first against the Japanese and then the French; became leader of North Vietnam. Theory that if one country falls to communism, others will follow. A large scale bombing campaign launched by the U.S. beginning in North Vietnam. The U.S. strategy where they would drive the Vietcong out of their hiding places and then destroy or capture as many as possible. Match the letter on the map to these locations; Saigon, Hanoi, 17th Parallel, Tonkin Gulf. B A D. C.

14 American Involvement:
America saw Vietnam as a fight against Communism North Vietnamese saw this as a war of independence

15 The 17th Parallel: Viet Cong: National Liberation Front South Vietnamese fighting for liberation (supported North Vietnam) Guerilla tactics. Ho Chi Minh Trail: Supply route through jungle from N.V. to S.V. **Through Cambodia, Laos

16 Strategy in Vietnam: 3 prong attack
Operation Rolling Thunder: Search and Destroy: Strategic Hamlet: Robert McNamara: secretary of defense. businessman who worked for Ford motor company- number cruncher in war used business principles- number crunching with human casualties proved incapable of leading war Vietnam was McNamara’s war- involved in making important decisions.

Body Count: “Light at the end of the tunnel” Until 1968; Media and Government cooperate to broadcast the war “IF IT IS DEAD AND IT IS VIETNAMESE, IT IS VC.” Body Count: number of Vietnamese killed Presented weekly numbers every Thursday night Shown as evidence of progress “5 o’clock folly” inflated numbers

18 Strategy in Vietnam: North Vietnamese (Viet Minh) Strategy:
Protect homeland, supply South Vietnamese resistance via Ho Chi Minh Trail. National Liberation Front (Vietcong) Strategy: Hit and run “Guerrilla Warfare”

19 Tet Offensive (January 31st, 1968):
North Vietnamese and Vietcong execute a major attack on South Vietnamese cities (Saigon) on Vietnamese New Year. Come out and fight; major change in strategy Believe the offensive will set off major uprising

20 TET Offensive Results: big victory for US and South Vietnam
Tet Offensive (January 31st- February 25th 1986): TET Offensive Results: big victory for US and South Vietnam uprisings did not occur, most battles in cities only a few days VC suffer high casualties-never recuperated

21 Tet Offensive: hidden result
Media turns on the war, public opinion turns on the war

22 “New Left”: “Silent Majority”: “Counter Culture”:
Who: Youth, College Students Viewpoint: Activism “Power Movements” “Silent Majority”: Who: Conservative Americans Viewpoint: Support government, “law and order” “Counter Culture”: Who: “Hippies” (others) Viewpoint: New society, “Sex, love, Rock’n’roll” (peace)

23 The end of the War: Richard Nixon: becomes President of the United States in 1969. Vietnamization: Withdraw American forces from Vietnam, train South Vietnamese troops to replace them.

24 The end of the War: January 1973: U.S. reaches ceasefire with North Vietnam and withdraws U.S. combat force. “Peace with honor” April of 1975: North Vietnamese capture Saigon and control Vietnam. Both Laos and Cambodia fall under communism.

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