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Please translate and rewrite the verbs and adverbs!

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1 Please translate and rewrite the verbs and adverbs!
Terms in Agriculture Please translate and rewrite the verbs and adverbs!

2 1.1 Agriculture is one sector which is very important for Indonesia. This is because the majority of the Indonesian population living and working in the agricultural sector, both as farmers (small farmers and large farmers), as a laborer, as well as the processing of agricultural products. Indonesia is a country with abundant of natural resources, this is due to Indonesia's geographical location between two continents (Asia and Australia) and two oceans (Indian Ocean and the Pacific).

3 1.2 Agriculture in Indonesia has a very significant role, because agriculture in Indonesia not only acts as a sustainer of life of the people, but also affected the stability of the national economy. Agriculture in Indonesia isn’t only as a place to produce food, but also a place of employment, especially small rural communities.

4 1.3 Agriculture is a complex system, in which there are many issues that affect the Indonesian economy system. In addition because the majority of Indonesian people who depend on the sector, the agricultural sector is also one of the main foreign exchange earner country. A wide range of existing problems in the agricultural sector, Indonesia, among others: Not to create a fair system in agricultural land use (ownership Vs businessman).

5 1.4 In this case the economic scale effort, still a lot of vacant land and the conversion of agricultural land ownership is unclear. Though there are laws governing agrarian land ownership, where a person can only have a certain amount of land to the place of his residence in the areas. But in reality many people from outside the region many people from outside the region to master an area of land or a land with thousands of hectares in other areas.

6 1.5 For example in the area of Batu City, there are thousands of acres of land with an area of his property, but the status is owned by citizens of Surabaya or Jakarta, in fact rarely the vast land to land because of sleep is not processed by the owner. Capital resources Indonesian agriculture is still weak, where the exchange rate of Indonesian agricultural products is low, the risk is high and profits low. Conversion of productive land to industry due to the implementation of the policy is not optimal mapping of agro commodities related to land.

7 2.1 Changes in the price of some types of major food commodities such as rice, corn, and soybean can changes in the national economy. Concrete examples some time ago is skyrocketing national soybean prices caused some tofu and fermented soybean cake had rallies, even some of them have gone out of business because is unable to reach the soybean price is overvalued. Similarly with tofu and fermented soybean cake are difficult to reach soybean prices. Soybean farmers are not able to produce soy hindered by erratic weather which caused some farmers to crop failure.

8 2.2 Not to mention the local farmers could not compete with imported soybeans are cheaper and size greater than the local soybean,. soybean farmers Indonesian thus lost. Indonesia's soybean farmers here do not have the strength to compete with imported products due to Indonesian farmers are not informed about the condition of the national market, where Indonesian farmers sometimes actually harmed by the low price of soy production sales when sold to middlemen or wholesalers. This is where the role of institutions both government agencies neither private organizations is needed to help Indonesian farmers to manage and market their crops.

9 2.3 Agricultural products in the country are generally not able to compete with imported products because most of the agriculture in Indonesia is still doing that maximize the input of agricultural extension in the form of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides that are harmful to health, both human health and the environment. The role of community development here, to be able to provide a solution that is acceptable to the community. The use of artificial pesticides and inorganic fertilizers is not healthy, but that does not necessarily mean the government banned its use. This is because many people who have an interest in the business of pesticides and inorganic fertilizers, and farmers will lay balked when government agencies do so

10 2.4 In contrast, the role of government agencies is to provide solutions, how to order farmers to produce agricultural products are healthy by reducing the intensity of the use of pesticides and inorganic fertilizers. The solution offered is to organic farming. Government agencies, such as the LPM can offer assistance in the manufacture of organic fertilizers and pesticides, which are necessary ingredients derived from nature about the farmers themselves, thereby reducing production costs. Work together with the community and government to the agricultural activities, without any patronizing element of one of the parties.

11 2.5 Because in society empowerment, neither party knows better but all equally learned, farmers learned to grow good and true, in this case healthy and able to compete with the market. While the government learn to apply the methods of empowerment needed for able to be accepted and successful social welfare. With the overall welfare of the people of a country, then it will slowly stabilize the country's economy and wellbeing of a state is reached.

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