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Organ System Overviews

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1 Organ System Overviews
Anatomy and Physiology


3 Circulatory System The circulatory system consists of the _____, a series of _____ _______, and the _____ that flows through them.

4 The Heart Describe the structure and function of the following: Atrium
_____________ Describe the structure and function of the following: Atrium Ventricle Valves Veins Arteries __________ ____________

5 Blood Vessels ________ carry blood away from the heart, ________ carry blood towards the heart. ________ are the smallest blood vessels and allow nutrients and gasses to enter tissues.

6 Respiratory The basic function of the human respiratory system is to facilitate gas and nutrient exchange between the blood and the cells of the body. Air enters the body and fills the lungs, where ___ ______ takes place. The oxygenated blood is then _________ to all parts of the body via the circulatory system. The respiratory system consists of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs.

7 Nervous System __________ Central _______ Autonomic ____________
“fight or flight” Parasympathetic “rest and digest”


9 Muscular/Skeletal Muscular Skeletal Protection: Rib cage
Storage of minerals (Ca) Storage of fat Production of blood cells Structure/movement _______: Attached to bones, allow for movement, voluntary _______: Found in the heart, involuntary _______: found in hollow structures (stomach and blood vessels), involuntary

10 Reproductive System Sexual reproduction involves the combining together of _______. _________ are produced in the testicles and ovaries via meiosis. During _________ the nuclei of each parents gametes fuse together to create a zygote. The zygote will then divide via _________ to form a new individual.

11 Reproductive System Is called a _______

12 The Male reproductive System
Seminal Vesicle Urethra Scrotum


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