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Stream Velocity.

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Presentation on theme: "Stream Velocity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stream Velocity

2 When the grade of a stream is greater, the speed of the water is ___________ .
When the speed of the water is greater, it is able to carry a __________ load of sediment. When sediment is deposited at the mouth of a river, the _______ particles are closest to the river. The ___________ particles will stay suspended in the water longer and travel farther.

3 Conclusions continued
Greater speed and greater flow both mean ____________ erosion. When the flow of a stream is high, it carries sediment a _________ distance away from its mouth. When the flow and speed of a stream are low, the eroded and deposited sediments form a pattern that is __________ in shape.

4 We can also look at erosion and deposition ALONG the river
When a stream’s grade its steep its shape is mostly straight

5 As the stream’s grade decreases . .
It begins to meander, looking for the easiest path.

6 At the mouth of a river, the speed of the water decreases dramatically, making the river drop its load of sediment. This is a constructive process that creates a DELTA.

7 A healthy delta: Selenga Delta, Lake Baikal, Russia

8 Mississippi River Delta: what a mess


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